WebNovelHer 1%18.18%

Starting today

James POV:

What just happened? Did I act like a chick after seeing those eyes? Nah... I was just in a hurry and I need to do a lot of things no need to think about what happened.

A pile of files is on my desk and I notice a folder with a label.

New Executive Assistant information:

Name: Erika Samantha Lopez

Age: 28

Education: College Grad

Experience: Bank teller for 3 years, Admin Assistant for 4 years

Status: Single

So on and so forth...

No photo is attached.

What? Why there is no photo attached here. Is she the woman outside? Shit! After I acted like a chick I feel embarrassed right now. I need coffee!!

Intercom beep:

"Hey! Mel, I need coffee...Hmmm and a sandwich if you mind...Thanks!"

Mel answers, "Sure! No worries and by the way I'll introduce your new Executive Assistant one sec."

"Hey! Erika would you mind coming with me downstairs I will buy coffee and some sandwich for our boss. "Sure!" Erika said. "It seems like the boss is nice". "Yes he is nice and caring" Mel responded.

Once the elevator opens the two women entered and push the button for the first floor. Starbucks is just beside the office building. Mel ordered espresso macchiato and ham and cheese toasties. "You might need to remember this coffee, he usually eats breakfast in the office," Mel said. Erika smiled, "noted!"

Back at the office, James is busy reading some files and typing on his computer. He stopped and glanced at the folder again for the new executive assistant. Why do I feel like I'm not with myself today? Stop staring at that folder idiot.

A knock snaps him from his thoughts. He said, "come in". Mel entered the office and followed by the women with glasses. I'm right she's my new assistant shit! "Here is your coffee and sandwich" Mel places the food on top of the glass desk.

"Mr. Madrigal I would like you to meet Erika she's your new executive assistant starting today. I will still assist here today as this is my last day" Mel said.

"Hi, a pleasure to meet you and looking forward to working with you Mr. Madrigal" Erika smiles and reach a hand for a handshake. James lifts his head and about to stand up when his eyes meet her eyes, unable to read if she is being real or fake with her gesture. James reaches his hand. He felt her soft hand; she has pale skin and a small wrist. Shit! Stop staring at her wrist; you're looking like a pervert! "Nice to meet you Ms. Erika and looking forward to working with you as well" James smiles and lets go of her hand. Mel interrupted and asks "Mr. Madrigal is there anything else you need before we leave?"

"No. You may leave now I'll call you if I need something, thanks for the breakfast!"