WebNovelHer 1%27.27%

Stop and Stare

After Mel introduces Erika to Mr. Madrigal they left his office. Mel assisted Erika with the paper works she needs to file and schedules she needs to prepare for his boss. The day was hectic and fast. Lunchtime is at its peak when the intercom beeps.

"Hey! Mel...hmmm Erika can you help me order something for lunch. Thanks!"

"Sure Mr. Madrigal, what do you prefer for your lunch?" She responded.

"I like to have some pasta and iced coffee."

"Is that all Mr. Madrigal?"

"Yeah... Uhmmm you can also buy some for both of you."

"Thank you, sir, however, Mel already left as she is doing an urgent errand and will also take her lunch," Erika said

"Ah, I see just order for two then…"


James POV:

What are you saying order for two dude? I've already punch myself too many times today to stop myself from thinking those eyes behind those thick eyeglasses. She has a name idiot!. Focus! You need to focus and work your butt or else things will pile up. After staring blankly in front of my computer, I've decided to stand up and watch outside in my big glass window. I thought about Janet, she might be busy right now. Did she already take her lunch? I'll call her then. I took my phone and dialed her number, it took 3 rings before she answers.

"Hey, babe! Have you already taken your lunch?"

"Hi, babe! I'm sorry I was busy, had a meeting, and need to check some places for our upcoming photo shoot. What's up? Seems like you're not busy..."

Janet Figueras editor-in-chief of a magazine, she is beautiful, smart, and an independent woman.

James had a deep sigh..."I am, it's just that I missed you that's why a called."

"How sweet of you Mr. Madrigal," Janet said and giggles.

"Can we have dinner later? How's that? Maybe something romantic?"

"I'm not sure babe...I have some client talk later and nonstop reviews for the next month's magazine issue."

"Alright…let me know if your schedule change. I'll be waiting…"

"Sure babe! I'll hang up now… I love you!!"

A knock on the door makes James turn around and said

"Come in"

Erika opens the door and enters the office with a paper bag and places it on top of the glass desk.

"Here is your food sir…"Erika looks to the direction where James is and meets his gaze. He is in deep thoughts and unsure whether he heard what she says or not.

"Mr. Madrigal?" She said in a questioning tone.

James has snapped again from reality and walks forward to his desk. "Sorry about that I was pacing out after my conversation with my fiancé." While talking he sits and lifted his head to look at Erika, their eyes again met this time his eyes is fixed to her big hazel brown eyes, why do I feel like she is intentionally hiding her beautiful eyes behind those glasses. Are you crazy James why are staring at her like that, you have just spoken with your fiancé and told her you to miss her!

"Oh... Sorry, Ms. Lopez did you order your food as well?" That's the only words that came out of his mouth.

"Yes sir, is there anything else you need before I leave?"

"No, that's all you may leave now. Enjoy your lunch!"

Erika then turns around and open the door and left.


Erika's POV:

A deep sigh came out… I almost trip from my step there; thank God I was able to balance myself. Why do I feel so nervous by his stare? I can't figure out if he is studying my every move or he is just staring blankly into my eyes, is there something wrong with my face? She then went straight to her cubicle and took the paper bag and sat in one of the tables in the mini pantry across the other side of the office. Her thoughts are still processing the things that happened today her first day and his boss. I think he is genuinely nice and caring, on top of that he is good looking he is tall I'm not sure maybe 6'2, toned body and has a pretty face but still masculine. Shit! Stop it, Erika you never did that with other men, you never look at them like that, that's very wrong! She continued eating her food when the elevator opens and Mel came out.

"Hey Erika, You did not wait for me I haven't eaten my lunch."

Mel sat beside her with a paper bag while she is smiling.

"Sorry I thought you will eat outside. Our boss let me order our food."

"That's fine a bought my lunch."

The two women continue eating and chatting until the lunch break ends. Erika continued her work; answers some email for his boss, send some memos, and take calls. Before she realizes it's already 4:45 PM. Mel stands up and told her that they can pack up and be ready to leave.

"Hey Erika, I think we are done for today. Just leave other stuff and I will advise Mr. Madrigal that we are leaving."

A knock on the door made James lift his head and with a higher tone said: "come in".

"Mr. Madrigal, we are leaving now. Thank you by the way for everything this will be my last day. I will miss working with you. I hope you treat Erika nice just like the way you treat me. Don't overwork yourself okay?" Mel said while smiling but has teary eyes.

"I will miss your company as well as Mel, you know me really well. I can't promise that I will not overwork myself, he chuckles and stand up and walk beside Mel and hug her. I will see you around."

After their conversation, Mel left and went to Erika's cubicle. "Hey we can now leave are you ready?" Mel said while swiping some tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I am. Are you okay?" Erika asks a bit worry.

"Yeah, I have just spoken with our boss to bid my goodbye. Let's go then, would you like to come with me for a coffee?"

"Sure!" Erika's said.

The two women waited for the elevator. After the two left James was already engrossed with the files in his hand when he notices that is already dark outside. He checked his watch, it's already 8:00 pm. He then packs up and left his office. He is waiting for the elevator when he remembered to check his phone for any message from Janet, but no message from her. After the elevator opens he entered and tried to contact Janet.

"Hey, babe... Are you still busy?"

"Hi James, I'm sorry I can't make it today. Maybe we can have dinner this Friday."

"Alright… I understand. Let me know once you arrive at your place okay?"

"Yes babe, I love you…"

"Love you too…"