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Play nice or Play safe?

James POV:

After I left the office I'm here in my penthouse in my white shirt and sweatpants lying in my bed and looking up to the ceiling. Thinking whether to continue my work or drown myself with alcohol. This day was exhausting mentally. It's already 11:00 pm; Janet arrived safely at her place. We talked for a while and then she decided that we should rest. How can I rest when there are thousands of things running through my mind. Ms. Thick glasses occupies most of my thoughts.

What should I do to avoid looking at her? why should I avoid her? We can't avoid each other; she works for me 8 hours a day or more. Should I fire her when she makes a mistake? That's rude, I'm not like that! Ahh... I need to be preoccupied; when I do that I tend to be cold and distant with people around me. Yeah that's right I will do that then, but it's also rude. Shit!

After with so many arguments with my brain, I decided to sleep, as tomorrow will be again a busy day for me.

Morning arrives so quickly my alarm will not shut up. I woke up, and pull myself together. I left my place after 30 minutes and its 7:30 am. I drove my Maserati with style. Yeah... I'm trying to be in the mood today. I arrive after 25 minutes before 8:00 am. Parked in the dedicated slot for me and enter the elevator. While inside the elevator I was thinking if Ms. Thick glasses are already in the office, I think she is, since I hate people being late. Once the elevator opens the receptionist in front greeted me and I just nod and went straight without looking at the cubicle beside my office. But I think I heard some noise like keyboard typing, she is already here. Before I can open the door of my office I heard a soft voice behind me.

"Sir Good Morning, do you like some coffee and food for your breakfast?"

Calm down James, just say yes and it's done. I turn around and met the eyes I was trying to avoid. Without hesitation, I change my reaction to the plan I've been thinking last night. cold voice and impassive expression.

"Yes," that's all that came out of my mouth.

"Alright, sir… Erika said."

I turn around and open the door and slam it a bit hard. Damn...now her voice is all over my head!!


Erika's POV:

I arrive 30 minutes before my shift. Making sure that everything is ready before my boss arrives. Once the elevator opens I can hear my boss's footsteps, I am still busy doing the task that was left yesterday, so before he enters his office a ran outside from my cubicle and follow him and ask if he wants his coffee and breakfast before he starts his day. I'm sure his day will busy since base on his schedule he will have 3 meetings today and a pile of documents that needs his signature. The company is big it's one of the biggest in the infrastructure industry. Condominiums are its focus and office buildings being rented by different sectors.

But something is odd after I ask him if he wants his coffee, his eyes show nothing and a cold voice that scares me. Did I do something wrong? Is my sudden question ruined his mood? Questions are swirling in my mind while I wait for the elevator to arrive on the ground floor.

I have ordered the same coffee but a different sandwich. While waiting for the elevator I was thinking if the food I ordered is enough. I should have asked him the food that he likes; it might again ruin his mood. I'm being nervous right now.

I was a few steps away from the door of his office and I am still thinking if I did the right thing. Don't worry Erika you can do this!! I knock on the door and heard my boss voice to come in. I open the door and walk towards his desk and place the paper bag.

"Sir… here is your coffee and food." I was fidgeting my fingers and thinking of what to do next. He's not looking at my direction, he is busy looking at the files in front of him.

When he said…

"You can leave now Ms. Lopez; I will call you when I need something."

"Al… Alright, sir" I stutter.

My feet automatically turn around and left the office. I went straight to my cubicle and had the heaviest breath in my life; I think I will have a heart attack every day if he is always like that.