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James's POV:

After I slammed the door then I felt guilty…

I buried myself in the piles of paper works the whole morning and forgot the time. It was already 12:00 noon and I am a bit hungry.

Stretching from my seat and crossing my legs while tapping the pen to the folder in my desk. I was in deep thoughts.

I was a jerk earlier and she might think I was a horrible boss by now. I was about to stand up when the intercom beeps and the woman on the other line speaks.

"Mr. Madrigal there is a delivery for you from Ms. Janet Figueras," Erika said on the other line.

I swallow the lump in my throat and press the intercom "Please bring it inside" I guess I cannot really ignore the fact that I will see her almost every day. I have decided that I will no longer make a big fuss about her, she is my assistant. I will keep it professional. Yes, I will do it, I am James Madrigal after all. A knock on the door breaks the conversation that I have with myself. Here we go!

"Come in"

She enters my office the only place that keeps me from the unknown feeling I am having towards this woman. Walking towards me, I can see her petite figure, pale skin, and her thick glasses. In her hand was a paper bag. She carefully places the paper bag in my desk, while here I am staring at her like I saw a very precious stone in the mud that I have been looking for a very long time. Are you crazy, I thought we had talked about it, that we will ignore this feeling?

She cleared her throat and that was the sign I was in deep thoughts and acting like a creep.

"Mr. Madrigal is there anything else I can get you before I leave for lunch, its 12:00 noon already. I guess the stuff in that paper bag is your lunch.

"Oh, yeah I guess my fiancé remembered that I am starving here in my office," I said while was trying to distract myself by rummaging the paper bag in front of me to avoid looking at her.

"Enjoy your food, Mr. Madrigal! I will head out now" Erika turns around and walks before opening the door, she took a quick look back at me. I was able to notice it at the corner of my eyes. Once the door close a lean back to my chair and close my eyes, I was feeling exhausted just by trying to avoid her. You're not doing your part James my mind is arguing with me. I was not in the mood to eat, but I tried since there are still some things that need to be done for the day. I have tried to call Janet as well to thank her for the food; however, she is not picking up the call.

At 01:55 PM I was done with the papers that need my signature and have to attend a meeting with the engineering department. I am about to stand up to leave when a knock on the door interrupted movements.

"Come in," I said. Erika enters with her tablet in her hand.

"Mr. Madrigal, I would like to remind you of your meeting with the engineering department by 02:00 PM. The meeting room is ready." She was looking at me expecting my answer.

"Oh yes, I was about to prepare myself. Ms. Lopez, have you already prepared the documents we need for the meeting?" I asked her while getting my suit jacket and phone.

"Yes, I have everything that you need sir," She said with a small smile on her face. This is the first time I saw her smile.

I walk past her to exit the room and she followed me, I can smell her perfume. I think she likes sweet scent like cherry I guess and it's invading my nose. Shit, James every little thing really? We reach the meeting room and I stopped abruptly and I can sense she's inches away from me, as she stops quickly to avoid bumping with my back. Is she nervous around me or afraid, I guess since I acted like a jerk boss this morning?

As we enter the meeting room there were people already from the engineering department. I sat on the chair in the middle of the long white table opposite the projector with the report for the upcoming project of a resort-style condominium. Erika sat on the left side near me. She handed me the documents and leaning closer to point out some information to her tablet about the report that the engineering department is about to present. I can see her face due to her close proximity. James stop what you are doing, why are looking at her like that? I tilted my head to stop myself from looking at her. The head of the engineering department stands in front with some paper works and pointed at the projector with the design of the new building. He was talking while the others are listening with all ears; I was trying to focus on the discussion, but momentarily I was looking at the woman beside me. She was busy writing any important information at this meeting.

When the meeting was about to end, I realize I wasn't paying attention to the report in front of me. Instead, I was so fixated to the person beside me. Every movement from her gets my attention. God, what's happening to me? I'm like a teenager with problems controlling his hormones. I was never like this to another woman in this damn office. There are other beautiful women in this entire building. What's the difference with this hazel-eyed woman that is invading my peaceful life? Is it because I was missing Janet for the whole week? I haven't seen her maybe that's the reason. I need to visit her; I will make a surprise visit to her place or to her office. Yeah, that will be a good idea.

Once the meeting ended it was already 04:00 PM. Some of the staff are talking about the project and their feedback while the head engineer is looking at me expecting any comment or additional information that I can give, but I only told him that everything was perfect and we will proceed with the proposed design. Then the people one by one started to pack their things and left the meeting room. The only people left is me and my assistant.


Standing up and taking my phone from my pocket to check any emails or messages to avoid any eye contact with her was the only thing that came into my mind. I have tried checking some flowers online that I will be purchasing for my surprise later for Janet when Erika said something.

"Mr. Madrigal, I will be leaving now I have to update the files for this meeting is there anything else that you need?"

I looked in her direction only to meet her eyes, now has a bit of gold in it. I can't read what's in those eyes. I snap myself from the trance I'm in and put my cold expression.

"Nothing you may leave now, also I will be out early. Please respond to some of the emails that are urgent." I said while lowering my gaze to my phone to complete my purchase. She then left the meeting room, then I left the room after a few minutes and went straight to the elevator while checking my pocket if I have my car key with me.

I press the elevator button designated for me. I was smiling when I entered the elevator knowing that I will see Janet today. Maybe this feeling I am having right is just me missing her.

So I think…