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Something has change

Erika's POV:

After the intense morning greeting with Mr. Grumpy, he never called me for anything. I had finished my task by the time the clock strikes at 11:45 AM. I was arguing with myself if I should go there and ask if he needs anything before a take my lunch or should I leave now and take my lunch without asking for his permission. He said he will call me if he needs anything right? But before I can decide my desk phone rings and the front desk on the ground floor said a package was delivered to Mr. Madrigal. I hurriedly went downstairs to get the package and to my surprise, it was food from Ms. Janet Figueras. I am not sure who she is maybe his girlfriend or a special someone, I really don't care. I am just as hungry as hell right now.

After the quick ride from the elevator, I am now again in front of his office door, hesitantly I knock and heard a confirmation from Mr. Grumpy.

I hope he is not grumpy at all.

I push the door open and walk as normal as I can and without looking at him. But I can't seem to do it right, since the figure sitting on the chair is insanely gorgeous. But since I am good at hiding it in my face, he seems not to notice it, when he looks up at my direction and follows my movement when I placed the paper bag to his desk. He digs in the paper bag not looking at me. He is a weirdo. Yesterday he was so nice then now he was a douche.

He said the food came from his fiancé, oh really he has a girlfriend after all. I really don't care as long as this business is running and I have a job.

I cleared my throat and asked him if there is anything else he needs before I take my lunch, I was really hungry and I want to leave as fast as I can.

He didn't need anything so I asked to leave and left for my lunch. Thank god!

I went to my office and took my purse and phone and walk straight to the elevator. I was patiently waiting for the elevator to arrive on the 17th floor where the office pantry is located when the elevator stops on the 23rd floor and a man enters. He was good looking, brown hair, bushy eyebrows, deep dark brown eyes, sharp jaw, perfectly shape nose, lastly thin lips, then he smiles at me with his perfectly white teeth, when I looked at him when he enters.

Oh my... I snap my early daydream and look straight and fix my eyeglasses, avoiding any eye contact with Mr. Handsome. He presses the ground floor button. I can sense he was looking at me and I'm not sure why. Is there any dirt in my face? I can see my reflection in the elevator door and I can't see any dirt. I tried my best not to care, it felt like the ride takes much longer and I am dreading to exit this awkward situation when the elevator dings and opens. I hurriedly step out and turns left when I saw at the corner of my eye that Mr. Handsome smiled at me.

Shit! It sends some electricity in my body.

I was in line to buy my lunch when I felt someone poking my shoulder; I turned my head to the side and saw a woman smiling. I smiled back not to be rude and she then opened her mouth. "Hi, my name is Anna, are you new here?" Her hand is in front of me ready for me to make a handshake.

"Hello, my name is Erika, and yes I just started yesterday, as the new PA for Mr. Madrigal," I said while reaching for her hand. "Oh, wow so you're the lucky girl that will be at his side 24/7," she said with excitement. I'm not lucky when my boss is moody like a woman. I just smiled at her and change the topic. I've learned that she is from the procurement department and has been with the company for a year now; she was younger than me at 25 years old.

We continued talking until the end of lunch and went to the elevator together. Her floor is in 23rd, it reminded me of Mr. Handsome that came from the 23rd floor. Maybe she knows who he is, but I'm afraid to ask her. I told myself to forget about him. I was checking my phone for any messages when Anna speaks. "Erika there is a new boss in our floor, he was very handsome, he looks like a model or a celebrity, he is really nice and friendly like you can approach him anytime" she was ecstatic telling this. My mind came back with the memory of the guy earlier. Maybe that was the new boss. I acted like I was not interested in what she said and continued scrolling on my phone.

"Hey, Erika it seems you're not listening. Don't you like looking at those good looking guys?" she said with a questioned look. "No, I focus my time in my work that's more important right now," I said with a stern voice. She was about to say something when the elevator opens and has reached her floor. She looked at me with a smile and left the elevator while waving her hands. I smiled back and press the close button. I was alone in the elevator and memory came back with the guy earlier. God Erika! Stop thinking about the guy, you don't even know him. When I reach my floor I went straight to my office and checked my computer for any new task.

I was sending some emails when my reminder beeps indicating that a meeting will be held today and I need to remind Mr. Madrigal. I stand up and took my tablet and walk to his office. I knock on his door and heard him saying to come in. I entered his office and saw him already standing and is about to take his suit jacket. I still reminded him of the meeting. He walks past me after telling me to prepare the documents that he needs for the meeting. I followed him to the meeting room. I was staring at his back when he abruptly stops without signal and thank god I was quick and stop inches away from him, if I didn't notice it I think my face will be on his back by now and it will be embarrassing.

Once we entered the meeting room, everybody stops talking and went silent, they are all looking at our direction. Mr. Madrigal sits in the middle of the long white table opposite of the projector and signaled the person in charge to start the report. I sat next to Mr. Madrigal and handed the documents that he needs. I also showed him the other information using my tablet. I ignored the short distance of our face, but notice that he was not looking at the information, instead, he was looking at me. Jeez… why is he looking at me like that? What's with these men looking at me like I have dirt in my face? I remembered again the guy in the elevator. The entire meeting I felt eyes on me. I wanted to bury myself in the ground the whole time he keeps staring at me from time to time.

This man is really a weirdo!