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It came crashing...

James's POV:

I'm not sure why, but my blood is boiling right now like a volcano ready to explode at any time. I'm in the middle of two people and I'm not sure why, but their eyes are like; two sharp objects piercing me deep within, even though they are not looking at me. There was no sound in the background just silence, but it's not peaceful. Then I can hear my heart beating fast, pumping blood faster than a racing formula one. I can see red dots all over my vision and before it takes over my better judgment I snap...

I stood up in the middle of the meeting room, didn't bother if the speaker is still telling me that the cost of the construction materials will cost millions of dollars. I stormed outside and went straight to my office and slam the door like it will reduce the raging sensation I am feeling right now. Then I saw my reflection in the huge window, the scowl on my face... what is it? Why I'm I being like this?

What's with that woman?

I felt my nails buried deep in my palms, my knuckles are getting white, I felt the urge to punch someone like someone stole something from me. But another voice came in.

What are you doing? My subconscious was trying to peek over the top of the mountain of my clouded brain.

Who are you to be furious about these two people looking at each other? There's nothing wrong with them, the problem is you... Yes, you James Madrigal acting Jealous all of a sudden without any substantial reason. Unless you are in love with that woman and you are together, then you have every right to be jealous, but No! You're not! So get your shit together and get back to that damn meeting room where you are supposed to be!

Shit! My other half is really scary like a demon.

I inhaled a large amount of air and closed my eyes. I tried to clear my mind and then retrace everything that went through the meeting room, but I couldn't even remember anything, any of the information that the person in front is blabbering.

Should I go back and continue the meeting or should I call that woman to have the meeting canceled?

Better cancel the meeting, I can't stand the view in that meeting room.

Did you listen to all the things that I said? Are you deaf? Do you want me to bang your head on the wall? My subconscious said.

I don't know, I might kill someone if I stay in that meeting room.

And why are going to kill that man?

Because they keep staring at each other like there was no one in that room!

So tell me, are you really jealous of that guy?

I don't know!

Are you disappointed that your not the reason for the sudden change of your PA?

Why should I be disappointed if she changes to a fucking Barbie doll for that guy?

Then why are acting like a fucking jealous teenage boy?

Stop with your stupid conclusion, I'm not jealous of that guy! Look at me, I am James Madrigal, the most handsome billionaire that everybody dreams and love, any woman will lay their cards right away for my attention.

And yet your PA was not looking at you like the most handsome billionaire you are. Her eyes only see Mr. Daniel Simmons as the most handsome man right now.

Maybe my ego was hurt a little bit, but I'm not jealous, she is no one to me.

Oh really, says who?

Me.!!! Now you're telling me I like that woman, c'mon I can't get a grip of your stand in this situation.

And I can't also get a grip of your stand in this situation James Madrigal; you starting to become an idiot! My subconscious is screaming on top of his lungs.

I am with a battle with my mind right now and it's like world war 3.

This feeling I shouldn't be patronizing this! I am with someone else and it's cheating if I have these thoughts with that woman. I should be happy she is not seducing me, instead she was seducing that Simmons, but why do I feel a pain in my chest right now? Is it really happening? Am I having some feelings with that woman? I think its just lust, physical desire, not like how I felt with my fiancé.

I walked to my chair and slump my back, leaned my head back, and close my eyes. How can I remove this physical attraction with this woman? Maybe I need to get laid and I can only think of one person and it's Janet.

Is it going to work?

What if I can still feel the urge?

The only solution is to fuck that woman. No! What are you thinking fucking another woman you barely knew, she has been just your PA. For god sake James what are thinking? You're done with that nonsense, you only stick to one woman now, you're getting married, you love her right? You will marry her, right?

My thoughts were snapped back from reality when I heard a knock and a voice too familiar I don't know how to react. What should I do? Should I allow her to come in and see my vulnerable state right now? Or shout at her and tell her to never bother me?

But my mouth said the stupidest and overused words.

"Come in"

Fuck... fuck... fuck you, James! I cursed myself a hundred times.

Then I can see her figure emerging from the door, I can see her face, her deep hazel eyes full of questions, the tip of her nose too pointed that I wanted to touch it, her slender neck I want to mark it with a deep red bite, then her lips with that shape and lipstick it's too luscious I want to crush mine and taste every part of it. Then it came crashing into me.

I don't even know what I really wanted...

I love Janet, she was the woman who shows me what love is for the past 5 years, but this woman in front of me she gave me a feeling I don't even remember I ever felt before, from the first day I laid eyes on her.

Does love at first sight really exist? How can this be possible? If I step forward with this feeling what will happen?

This is dangerous...

"Mr. Madrigal, are you okay?"