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Barbie Doll

James's POV:

After she left...

What the fuck does happen to my PA, why does she look like a fucking Barbie doll!?

Right now I'm not sure what I'm doing, I've been pacing out in my office trying to think what happened earlier. As if my PA was abducted by aliens and left another person to torture me every single day!

I've already moved on with this unknown feeling and now it's like crashing down on me double the weight.

Did she do it intentionally? Is she trying to accomplish something like; seducing me? She doesn't seem like that, she also knew I have a fiancé. During the past 5 months, she didn't do anything that is inappropriate. What the hell just happened?

I didn't even notice that my coffee is already cold as dead by now and that I have tons of work on my desk. Fuck! All I can think about is how much I want to touch her face and run my hand on her hair and hold her waist tightly and pull her closer to me and kiss her...


Did I just say kiss her? James, you're out of your mind, you've gone insane!

Erika's POV:

After I left...

What the hell just happened!?

I was sitting in my desk looking at the computer screen, but not doing anything. I thought I would never see that stare again.

Did I change so much?

Alright, let me explain what happened. Last weekend Alice and Anne ask me out and they insisted that they would make me look a little different, a makeover. I think because they notice something in me the past couple of weeks.

I also wanted to make some change in my look because I was like plain and simple, unlike my friends who give effort every day to look beautiful and charming.

Yeah, this is very different from me I really didn't care about my look, but something change, guess what it is because I think I'm starting to like someone and I want him to notice me. He already did notice me, but I wanted to be presentable and confident whenever I see him. Yup, he works here in the company.

I never really thought that I will be going to like someone, especially a coworker. It seems inappropriate, unprofessional. But God! He is really something else, I can't deny the fact that he not just good looking, but damn a very nice man.

So yeah, I have followed my two friends and let them choose my clothes, my shoes, makeup, and hair color and now here I am looking differently, I never thought I would look like this...

James's POV:

I disregarded the coffee and food and buried myself with work; I don't want to be distracted anymore. I will remove the thoughts of her. This is just some feeling that will go away once I get used to her new look. She will not win this, James Madrigal never loses in anything.

I thought so...

The next few hours I didn't move from my seat I didn't call her but sent her things she needs to do. I will have another meeting with the planning and procurement department. I decided I will have to eat lunch outside to avoid her. I press the intercom, "Ms. Lopez, I will be having lunch outside please don't bother to order anything"

"Sure Mr. Madrigal by the way you have a meeting at 01:30 PM" Why do even her voice seem to be different?

Fuck! I'm being a creep again.

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me," I said while thinking she will be beside me the whole time during the meeting, James you need to work out with me and not to fail, my brain said.

I went outside not looking at her cubicle and walk straight to the elevator. I have no idea what should I eat for lunch since my mind was occupied by my work and how to avoid that woman. Maybe I should have called Brad for lunch. I pulled my phone from my suit jacket and dialed his number.

"Hey Brad, where are you?"

"I'm in the office, why?"

"Let's have lunch"

"Sure, you're treating right?" A chuckle from the other line can be heard.

"Fine, I'll text you the place"

Before 01:30 PM I was back and dreading for this meeting, the woman is already walking towards me with folders in her hand. Her eyes not directly looking at me, those eyes are now visible to the entire world to see, I think she uses hazel colored contacts like her eye color. Why does she choose a red shade for her hair, it will attract attention, and her dress does she know there are hundreds of male employees in this building that will ogle with that body-hugging blue dress. This woman has gone insane, does she really needs to seduce me for what? Money, sex, or position in this company? I'm not really sure how long I have been staring at her when she cleared her throat and called my name "Mr. Madrigal here are the documents that you need for the meeting. I will be heading first to make sure everything is organized in the meeting room. Do you need anything before I leave?"

"Nothing, thank you" I shifted my gaze to the folder she gave me. I felt the heat in my office, is the air conditioning not working? Erika then left and I felt relieved and I loosen my tie. You need to calm down and pull yourself together James.

After a few minutes, I was heading to the meeting room and before I reach the place I have noticed that there are people still outside the meeting room talking, once I was a few feet away they notice my presence. The other guy is the head of the planning department while the other guy seems to be new.

"Hi, Mr. Madrigal, how are you?" Mr. Rodriguez the planning department head said with a full smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Rodriguez, I'm good, thank you for asking," I said while shifting my body to the new guy indicating I wanted to know who he is.

"Mr. Madrigal, nicr to meet you, my name is Daniel Simmons the new Procurement department head. The new guy said and gesturing for a handshake and I responded by doing so and nod.

We entered the meeting room and there are a few people already inside. Erika is sitting on the right side next to the chair in the middle where I usually sit. I gesture the two men to sit next to me on the left side. When Erika looks in our direction, her eyes didn't meet mine instead she was looking in Mr. Simmons's direction. I notice her eyes have different emotions, she seems happy and another emotion like she was expecting this moment. Does she know who this guy is?

And then there was a feeling that suddenly strikes me.
