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Fast Forward

James POV:

We had a great time in the Bahamas, for 3 days it was just me and Janet, no more weird images.

Once we left I was relieved and forgot about the unknown feelings that I was having with Her. I can look at her, talk with her professionally, for days, weeks, and months. She was great at her work. I can't complain, I treat her like a normal PA. It's been 5 months now when I hired her (the company actually).

Today it's Monday, like the usual, I woke up a bit lazy (hey! I can be lazy sometimes). I walk straight to the bathroom to prepare myself, after my 15-minute shower I chose my suit carefully. Dark gray it is, my color for the day. I felt energized after I sip my coffee (and yes! I can make my own coffee guys). I took my phone and key for my chosen car my Bentley Continental GT. My drive was quick I arrive 30 minutes before 09:00 AM, I parked my car in the designated parking space for me.

I drive my car when going to work, I only need a driver when I have a business meeting when I go to formal parties and travel abroad. I don't need security as well; I took martial arts and target shooting since I was a kid. My dad told me I should always prepare myself for the worst.

And the worst came...

Once I entered my private elevator, I was even singing, I can still feel the music that I played in the car earlier. The lift stopped on the highest floor where my office is located, the receptionist Alice greeted me sweetly. "Good morning Mr. Madrigal". I smiled and said, "Good morning Alice".

I'm heading to my office and I can hear in her cubicle some noises. She was already here and working. Good job for her, I think I can add another order for my breakfast for her. Once I entered my office, I remove my suit jacket and place it in my chair and pulled my phone from my pocket, I forgot to check my emails earlier, while checking my phone and sitting on the tip of my desk I press the intercom.

"Good morning Ms. Lopez, can you please order my breakfast, and add another one for you"

"Good morning Mr. Madrigal, sure and thank you for the treat, I will be there once I have your breakfast"

I put my phone on the desk and sat on my chair, and open my laptop to start my work. There were emails for me, she already sorted the important and urgent emails, and documents are stacked neatly.

Let's get started!

Erika's POV:

I woke up early since its Monday, the start of the week this means busy, this means lots and lots of tasks. I made my way to my small bathroom to prepare myself.

Once I was out of my bedroom, I went to the kitchen to make myself a hot coffee and place it in my flask and head out of my apartment, I took the bus since my car broke last week and I haven't had the money to have it fixed. The bus was jam-packed with people trying to be on time for work. I arrive at the office around 08:12 AM, I still have a lot of time to prepare.

I had arranged my boss's schedule and emails, file some documents and arrange his desk that was left last Friday with a little bit of a mess. Did I tell you my boss is now the man I met on my first day of work? He treats me professionally now, no more cold treatment, odd stares, and creepy look during meetings. It was good, I was able to focus, and I thought I would not last in this position for a month, but here I am still working my ass in the last five months.

I found friends in this office as well like; Alice the receptionist, Anne from the procurement department, Gio from the accounting and...

Never mind, I think my boss just arrive, I can hear Alice greeting him. I was still busy in front of my computer when the intercom beeps.

He needs his breakfast and coffee, and he is in a good mood he wanted to me to add another order for me. Yay!

I went down to get his food and while waiting for the elevator, I was checking my look, maybe something nice will happen during this ride. Unfortunately, there's none and I was a bit disappointed, maybe later.

I ordered his favorite coffee and my own coffee. I made my way to another café and order our food. I was waiting for the elevator to arrive when some of the employees waiting as well keep on staring at me. What the hell is the problem with these people!? I ignore them and continue waiting for the elevator after a few moments, we are all cramped up inside the elevator, I try to keep the safety of our coffee and food in my arms and thank God the people started to decrease and I am the only one inside. Once I arrive at our floor, I quicken my steps to reach his office, but I am having a hard time because of these heels. Alice smiled at me from ear to ear and I did the same. I stop to my cubicle to leave my food and coffee, and then I tried to compose myself and fix the coffee and food in my hand I don't want to spill them. I knock on the door and heard him for me to come in. I slowly open the door and walk forward to his desk and place his coffee and food. He was still busy and not looking at me. I cleared my throat to interrupt what he is doing.

James's POV:

I was busy doing the paper works in my desk when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in, " I said without changing my position still glued to my seat. She entered and walk straight to my desk and place my coffee and food, I was interrupted when I heard her clear her throat, I snap my head in her direction and I was frozen when our eyes meet. "Oh"

She's not wearing her eyeglasses, her hair was loose and wavy, but now with color in the shade of red, she's wearing make-up, but not too heavy, it actually enhances her beautiful face, my eyes went down to her body and for the first time she's wearing a blue dress that hugs her curves, her shoulders and knees are revealing in this fabric. I don't know how long I was staring at her; she was not like this, for the past five months she was plain and simple. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard her say something.

"Mr. Madrigal, is there anything else that you need before I leave?" She said while standing in front of me.

"No… nothing" I stutter.
