My hands fell unto the keyboard when my eyes flashed to those wretched days. I pressed the keys, but doubt instilled my voice. A melancholic chime resounded through the room. I felt Jishi's eyes gloom over me as I danced with Chopin's words. A sad piano theme in B minor. The words thickening the air, dancing through our ears in a moderato tempo.
Each note brought me back to that place devoid of brightness. To the red scenery of isolation, to the grim sound of their laughter. The song kept growing slower as I played.
"Why did I play this" I argued in my head, but it's no use now. My heart of glass shivered, wondering whether it should trust her. I turn to see her as she moved her head to the rhythm. The lights in the room shined on her, revealing. Her untied brown hair flowing in the air as she gave off freedom. As if nothing could ever face her.
"I want to know her" the thought engraving itself in me. My heart beating faster along with the music shifting to a brighter B major.
Despite everything that happened before, do I try?
Doubts filled my voice as the song then rose, only to fall along with my thoughts. I think I caught Jishi smiling with the corner of my eye. A faint smile, but it's my imagination. Centering myself on the piano I kept playing. My doubts waltzing between a do, or do not.
The voice reflected on the piano too, tiptoed back and forth between gloom and happiness. As the notes fell into a fickle finale, I made my decision. I need to change, but how? Her selfish words popping to mind, I laughed as the song ended in a saddened tone.
Turning to her, I take her hand, my heart beating at light speed. "My name is Yata Shizuka, lets get along" I said with my hands trembling into those words. Jishi realising this translated amidst his shock. To which Ray smiled, her pink lips curling into sunshine.
"Sure" she exclaimed in an eager tone. Her eyes looking into mine before she continuing. "It was super good today too, although it looked as if you were doubting something" her words stung my heart. Stumbling back, my face burning up, followed by Jishi roaring with laughter.
"This is so much relaxing than baseball" silence followed her words. Jishi and I stared in shock.
"Ho.. hold on, shouldn't you be there?" Jishi's voice quivered as the words flew into her ears. Her earlier satisfied look broke. Her skin turning pale, while her eyes trembling. Standing up, she grabbed her helmet and rushed out the door. Her every step thundering as she passed.
"Well, isn't she just a storm," Jishi laughed again as he then smiled at me. His eyes bearing a proud look in them as he stared into mine. Jishi and I headed home. It's only us two in the music club. Meaning it's not an official club. In fact, they allow us to use the room until we form a proper club. Until then, we can leave whenever we want.
"She seems like a good person" I spelled those words out with my hands. To which Jishi silently nodded as we both headed down the empty streets.