The colors spun alongside the lights as I flew. Everything turned into a blur. Even time didn't pass as she held my hand. "Is this where I die" the thought grazed me while I held in the urge to puke. Crashing into the ground, we came to a stop. My eyes struggling to grasp a view, I squint them together.
"The music room..." Making out a silhouette. A gray blur which I presume to be a building. Surrounded by fuzzy green shadows, I guessed those were trees. This has to be the music room.
"Now could you play for me, I want to hear your music before practice," Her rushed voice lightninged its way through the wind. Following her plea, the hollow noise of an opening door.
"Hold up *pant* right there *pant*," Jishi who ran after Ray after what I call a flash abduction. I felt the tears gather in my eyes as I crawled my way up to Jishi. My eyes wrapped around his waist as his hands fell on my shoulders.
"I'm sorry it took so long," his voice smooth, his fixed gaze. Maybe I watched too much of
"Hey Yata, isn't this a tad too much?" Jishi's comment breaking the moment, dragging me back to realities pain. My stomach remembered to turn as it fought its way up my throat.
*Blugh* leaning forward, I puked my entire meal. Feeling the chilly prying my mouth open, resurfacing the half-digested meat. "Hideous" I thought to myself as it came to a stop. An acid swamp settled in my mouth as I regained control of myself.
"Hey, you good?" I felt Jishi's voice right next to me. I nodded, attempting to reduce his worry.
"Sorry, because of me you..." Ray's voice filled the voice with a hint of embarrassment as she vowed. Asking Jishi to moderate, I then tell her: "Don't worry, it was a fun thrill" her face recovering her usual shine from my words. From there Jishi helped me into the music room, Ray treading behind us. While I took the piano, Ray sat next to me. My heart jumping as I tried to ignore her. I raised both my arms, but something caught my eye. Jishi with violin in hand mumbled the word "Canon". A smile crawled up my face, while Jishi placed the violin between his shoulder and chin.
My hands fell unto the keys, singing in D major. Soon after, Jishi followed, his bow caressing the strings into a soothing melody. In the corner of my eye, Ray swayed. Eyes closed, with a bright smile on her lips. The piece blowing through the room in a breeze, repeatedly in its ostinato. Reaching the end to the piece, clapping then reached my ears.
"I'm amazed you guys learned the piece and were so in sync, how do you do it?" Her eager voice made my face burn as I turned to hide it. Jishi let out a chuckle as he opened his lips.
"When you like something enough, one can't help it," an unusually deep analogy leaves his lips. The room filled with a solemn silence, making him seem smart.
"Well, aren't you deep now" my hands darting into a little joke which he brushed off.
"I get you, its like baseball for me" despite her smile confusion struck me. Jishi's look also stained in a similar feeling. If I'm not mistaken, she had 5 minutes before practice. I began thinking about how to relay my words, but she pressed her lips before continuing.
"It's not that I'm late on purpose, its just that I like to pump myself up before going to practice, you know," her words hinted with a sad tone. Her words conflicted with how I saw her earlier. The eyes she had in practice weren't those of someone who lacked resolve. I planned to tell her something, but my hand didn't move. The sight of her eyes quivering engraved itself in my own. I couldn't say anything, if I did I feared I might break something. Jishi averted his eyes from everything as he placed his violin in the room's corner.
"Thanks..." a whispered cry echoed as she then left the place. I opened my lips to reach her, but a reddened panorama filled my view as she left. The silence that exchange left behind was unlike before. It was a dreadfully noisy silence.