Returning to the classroom, my thoughts drifted to how Ray's rage during recess. Thinking it through, it was strange in her.
*BAM* the door slammed open as she stepped onto the roof. Her golden eyes burned angrily. Alongside them, a frown atop her forehead. In her arms, she carried an insane amount of cafeteria sandwiches. Her breath was heavy, to the point of passing as hurricane winds.
Jishi and I were dumbstruck as she stomped her way towards us. Sitting down, she blazed through the sandwiches. Like one of those eating competitions. Not one word escaped her lips. She savagely ate away beside us. My heart shrieked at the thought of breaking her off-set balance.
"Yo, anything wrong?" the thought didn't apply to Jishi though. He forced a smile and reluctantly stepped into the landmine. Ray's eyes burned holes through Jishi. Her porcelain skin turned a blazing red before opening her lips.
"MOM JUST DOESN'T UNDERSTAND, ARGH!!" she ranted away for a few minutes. It only stopped when Jishi changed the topic to me. His deafening laughter seemed to snap Ray back to reality. But her mood was awful. Maybe talking to her mom didn't go too well.
My head snapped back to reality when I reached the classroom door. Trembling, I breathe before going stepping into the classroom. Nervously, I wave at the few students who lay in their seats. Seeing their response, my legs ran towards my seat. I must look like a child. *Sigh*
The bell rang, prompting many to leave the classroom. But it still felt unreal. During class, I talked to my classmates. Even if they softened their voices; Even if they talked to me out of pity. Although I still tremble at the sight of them, or any person. I did it, somehow. Holding the papers I used for conversations in my hand, I approach the hallway.
The mass of people made my body jump. My heart stuttered as I wobbled my feet into walking. Slowly but surely, I began approaching the gate. As I did an eager clap welcomed me in the form of Jishi.
"Haha, can't believe it. You did it, even if you're scared to death," His eyes gave me a warm look. While his voice thundered through the hallway. Wrapping his arms softly, he embraces me. "Even if it was only today, you really did it." He whispered with an unusually soft voice. A slight whimper hid behind it. Feeling the tears well in my eyes, I hug him back. Hiding my face in his chest.
After walking our way toward the music room, we see Ray. She swung her bat savagely before the door. Her eyes flared in obscurity. My heart shook. This wasn't the usual Ray. Just like how she was in recess. Assuming it was her mother, what did she say?
Seeing that we arrived, she walks into the room, dragging her bat with her. I turn to look at Jishi, his gaze fixated on the closing door. I know that look. With a sigh, I hesitantly enter the room, Jishi following behind me.
Ray sat in front of the piano without saying a word. As we go in I feel something tug at my sleeve. Jishi stood behind me, nearing my ear.
"So is this the extent of your resolve, even after facing people. Although you couldn't talk. Even if it scared you, you faced your greatest fear. That difference. Even if you haven't surpassed it, is this really the limit to your resolve." Jishi's whispered as much as a megaphone could. But his words set me in motion. My body moved on its own as it reached for the piano. While I couldn't talk to her, my music could.
My fingers gently fall on the keys as it begins. A melancholic voice fills the room. Tenderly filling the air in B-flat minor. My right hand dancing steadily with the keys, while my left eagerly jumped from one to another. Contrasting to the saddened melody that filled the room. It was a quiet, meek voice, gently and slowly dancing through the room. Before rising to a tearful appassionato, my fears, worry, they all roared through the room. Soon after dissolving into a meek voice once again.
Silence fell for a single, fleeting moment. In which I saw Ray's tears fall silently. But I didn't stop. Restarting into a gentle voice, this time in an eager D major. Now a kind voice took the room in a sweet sotto voce. Repeating the same phrase softly.
"Whats wrong, are you okay?"
Around this moment, another voice joined my own. A refined, stringed voice. Playing the same Nocturne in Chopins graceful words. Jishi played along in his violin on D major, matching up with me. His bow cried with his own worries, for Ray he cried. We danced with each other, our voices merging in the room's silence.
Jishi looked at me with a grin. A small fleeting grin that faded as we reached the coda (finale). The graceful, yet saddened echo of how it began returned. A voice in dolcissimo; a last cry grazed the room before flourishingly smoothly. Finally fading away.
"I-, I'm sorry for worrying you both. My mom she, didn't listen to me. She said that I shouldn't follow my dad's passion. I-, I- why am I so weak." Her voice quivered as she fell to tears. None of us moved, nor did we say anything. We her own melody reach our ears. She opened her lips, wiping her tears with her sleeve before continuing.
"My dad, he played baseball professionally. He died when I was young. The bus his team took had an accident. All I have left of him is baseball. I don't want to lose baseball, but my mom. She thinks I'm doing it for him; She thinks I want to be like him. She's not wrong, but I want her to understand." In that moment, Ray looked as if she was about to break. A porcelain doll slowly falling to her end. But we won't let it happen.
Jishi and I we sat next to Ray. Without saying a thing, we hugged her. Her tears ran loose. Losing track of time, we stood by her for as long as necessary. Once she took hold of herself, Jishi broke the silence.
"So you play baseball because of your dad?" A dumb question, dumb enough to make me punch him. But I held in my retorts, as I awaited for her response.
"Yes" a hesitant voice fled her lips. Seeing Jishi's tiny smile, I could only sigh as he continued.
"But can you bet you swing on that sentiment?"
"What do you mean?" dumbstruck, Ray tilted her head, trying to make sense of his words.
"Can you bet your baseball to have you mom understand?" Ray stared silently. Her eyes fixated on Jishi's lips as words fled through them. Clenching her fist, she stood up. With a glow in her eye, a determined voice echoed from inside her.
"Yes, I'll bet anything that my baseball won't lose."
My eyes lost themselves in her flare. From her flowing brown hair, to the golden light in her eyes. It filled me with relief; with joy. To see her usual smile shine once again.