Be The Man Part 1

The company 'Delun Constructions' applied for compensation for the damages done to the goods that was in the truck from Ai Feng father's company.

The applied for damages incurred in the transportation of the raw materials which was the wood

Damaged to the current asset which was the truck

And damages done to the truck driver

Everything was turned upside down. The victim became the one responsible

All thanks to a ruthless court testimony which one of Ai Feng father co - worker did

He said there in court, that Ai Feng father drank a lot because of his successful signing of a patron and his promotion

That's what lead to him being drunk and could not see the road clearly

Which lead to the road accidents

And the unfortunate events that followed

"I wish I could stab him to death"

"Why?!, Because he is lying!"

Ai Feng looked at the liar with a scorching and killing vibe that if looks can kill, the man would have already been dead.

"This is a conspiracy!". Ai Feng said with clenched hands as he grits his teeth

How did he know?