Be The Man Part 2

From when Ai Feng could remember, and knew his father, from growing up to his current age of fifteen.

He have never seen his father drink alcohol willingly. His father never liked alcohol. No matter how they force him to drink alcohol, he would only sip a little of it.

His mom will always tease his dad with that.

It was always funny whenever his mom chases his dad with glass filled with alcohol or a bottle of alcohol

Whenever that happens, him and his siblings always gets a good laugh.

His baby brother Ai Lei one day said. "Daddy, Coward"

"Daddy Coward"

He said that while clapping his hand and giggling while watching his dad and mom cat and mouse chase.

Due to the embarrassment, with his Dad face steaming red, he closed his eyes and swallowed the alcohol. That day, it was his mom that won and she gave Ai Lei plenty of kisses which made him giggle non stop

Later his father opened to them and told them why he did not like alcohol.

It was because he was traumatised by it when he was a child.

Seeing adult drink it with relish made him want to experience the same ambiance

But the adults won't let him

So one day when no one was around

The curious 6 year old boy unscrew a cap and

"Uggghh!! aahhh!!"

"Why is it so bitter?"

The young Ai Chen started crying

And the one thing Ai Feng is sure about his father Ai Chen is that he does not lie to family. Never had he done it

Since his father does not lie to them. That whatever he said about not liking alcohol is true.

Which means

"He is a big liar! A liar!"

That his father co - worker is a liar. He is sure that his father never drank that night. Others also testify it but the judge believed that Judas co - worker.

"But why would he betray his dad?, his Co - worker and company?"

"This... really feels like a conspiracy".

"But why?". Ai Feng asked himself back then with a confuse look on his face, with dried up tears mark that made his confuse look more pitiable.