So this Sunday is August 2nd and i just realized that. August 2nd is my birthday ans i completely forgot it was a thing. Im usually thw type of annoying peraon whp has a countdown for my birthday and tracks how far away it is but this year i forgot it was a thing and now that i am realizing its my birthday i wanna do something but theirs probably nothing to do because places may still be lockes down because of corona and i would like to have a little cookout for my birthday to see family and friends but people probably have plans and that wpuldmt work amd i dont really have a whole lot of friends left. i just wanna do somwthing to get me out of this funk that ive been in but i don't know. Alao its kinda hard to believe that in about 4 days ill be 19 because tjeir was a time were i thought i wouldn't make it past 17.