
Sorry for the spam of stories juat been feeling like i need somehwere to let some emotions and i dont rellay have alot of people i trust know and its also midnight and my friends are probably sleeping. The day before my graduation i was headedbro my friends house because i was gonna stay the night so could could do my hair and makeup for graduation. Anyway i was in the car with my dad and his wife (if i didnt tell you my dad got remarried...suprise) and we were talking about who was being invited. Then my dads wife mentions how she wishes my grandpa could come and i knew she was tryingbto be nice or something but it made me sad and angry. She knows he dosent have much time because the camcer juat keeps spreading and i feel luke im lucky that hes even her to watch me graduate from a video. I wish he couldve been their and person too but hes to weak right now and we dont even wanna risk him cathing something especially corona. Then my grandma has been to both of my graduations but she could come to mint this uear which hurt but i understand why she didnt come. She has some problems with her lungs and with corona being a respiratory disease she didnt wanna risk being in a room with peopme who could have Corona or couldve been i  contact with some who had Corona and i told her id rather want her safe and healthy then be their and i would make sure we recorded it for her. Also my aunt and my grandpas wife got in a disagreement and now i believe she moved out and their getting a divorce so yeah.