So if you read my past stories then you'll find a chapter where I talk about identifying as Asexual and I'm kinda starting to feel a different way. I was identifying as Asexual because I wasn't feeling a sexual attraction to anyone and the idea of being intimate was scarying and weird to me. I just couldn't see myself doing that and that was I think because of the sexual abuse I went through when I was younger. Well lately I started talking to an old friend who i like and have liked for awhile and well lately I've kinda been feeling a certain way. Which excites me but also makes me nervous because if anything happens I don't know how ill react because I had a dream to where me and my crush were cuddling and he moved his hand onto my thigh which I didn't hate and we started kissing and such but then i started to get anxious and my heart started racing an i just freaked out and i don't what that to happen in real life and it just makes me nervous. Anywho... Bye