Chapter Seven

As the hour's pass Lynn was left alone and as she looked at the final product she was so happy with it. She looked over at the clock to see it was 11 at night. She had spent all day in here. "Kar can you order some pizza, please. I got lost in what I was doing and forgot to eat." She heard his growl. "Hey, I was enjoying myself and resting at the same time mister. It will be worth it I promise." She says as she walks into his office.

Kar looks up as she comes in with something behind her back. "Ready for your gift baby?" Kar chuckles as he sees how excited she is. When he nods to her, she shows him a painting. "I made it for you. It reminds me of Miko."

"You painted this from screech?" he asked as he looked at it closer. "Yeah sorry, I bought the stuff and overnighted it. I didn't think you would mind. I guess I should have asked..." Kar stopped her by kissing her. "You don't need my permission to buy anything Lynn. If this is something you really enjoy, we can turn your old office into a studio. I love it by the way as does Miko." Lynn nuzzles his neck. "I'm glad you both like it. Umm can we get that pizza?" she says as her stomach reminds her. she still needs to eat.

Kar smiles at her as he picks up the phone. "Baby nowhere is open this late. We can just heat one up from the store." Kar kisses her. "Hush woman. Yes, Nick run home and bring your Luna a pepperoni pizza, please. Thanks, man." She raised her eyes at him. "His parents own the pizza place in town." She laughed. "Of course, they do."

When the pizza came, she sat down. As she looked around. "Kar can I really turn my old office into a painting studio?" Kar hands her a plate. "Whatever you wish love design it however you want." Kar hands her his card. "Nick can take you tomorrow to the hardware store and whatever else you may need."

"Luna, they said they can deliver it all by lunchtime." Lynn turned to Nick. "Okay, we can head home with the painting stuff. Thanks, Nick." The man bowed his head to her. Once at home she walked into the office and got to work. Hours passed by and the people with the cabinets and supplies showed up she told Nick where she wanted everything as she started dinner.

Kar came home to the smell of dinner and smiled. Walking into the kitchen he saw his pack warriors sitting at the table like they were waiting for something. When Lynn walked over to the table has everyone washed your hands? They nod. "You to mister." She said looking at him. "Yes ma'am," Kar says with his hands raised.

Kar walks back into the kitchen and sits at the head of the table as Lynn serves them all dinner. "Lynn, I love that you made dinner. You also made one of my favorites. So, I will ask now who's body are we hiding?" when she sat down and laughed it made him smile. "No ones. I just wanted to thank you all for everything you do to keep us safe. I know it will get harder with us becoming the new guardian pack. So, thank you, everyone." They all bowed their heads to her.

When dinner was done Lynn went to clean up as Kar finished up some pack work. She finished and went and knocked on his door. "Come in Love we are just finishing." She walked over to him and sat in his lap. "I want to show you what I been doing all day." She tells him as everyone leaves them. "Okay I'm all yours now." Lynn took his hand and lead him to the room next to his.

"Wow, Lynn you got this all done today and dinner. I feel bad for you cleaning up after we ate now." She laughed. "I had Nick's help. The men at the supply place creeped me out so he dealt with them for and told them where everything goes." She walked out of the double doors. "Kar we will hold the meeting in 3 weeks. Can you send out the invites?" she looked up at him and he saw her worry. "Of course, Love. I will do anything to help you and support you."

A few nights later Lynn walked into her studio and picked up a pencil and started drawing. Kar woke up to see she wasn't in bed and followed her scent. When he walked into the room and saw her, he saw she was not fully awake. "Lynn? Sweetheart what are you doing?" she just kept drawing. Walking closer he saw what she was drawing. "Love wake up." When she blinked, she looked at him. "What happened Kar?" he pointed to the picture. It was to wolves fighting but all of it was gray and black accept the wolves eyes. They were red.

She looked at it than him. "What is happing to me? Who are they?" she asked as he picked her up and carried her back to bed. "We will figure this out sweetheart I promise." She couldn't get the image out of her head. She curled up next to him. She finally fell into a peaceful sleep in her mate's arms.

It was the day of the meeting and Lynn was nervous as she stood in the kitchen waiting for her coffee to finish. "Love your coffee is done... Lynn sweetheart it will be okay." She drank her coffee she saw Kar go to drink some coffee and smacked the cup out of his hand. "Lynn what the hell." He looked at her as she dropped her cup. "Silver and wolfbane." She struggled to say. Kar looked at the coffee grounds and smelled it.

Picking her up her carried her upstairs. "Kar you have to go tonight." He looked at her. "Lynn I can't leave you here to suffer alone." She was sweating. "You have to please baby." He nods and kisses her. "Fine, but I will be back as soon as I can okay." She was already asleep. Kar kissed her again then went to the meeting place.