Chapter Eight

Lynn waited until he left then slowly got up. Her body was in pain, but this was the best way to find the traitor. She hid her sent and shifted. Ulva please help me in this task. She asked her wolf. Always my friend. Lynn stayed in the shadows watching the wolves at the meeting when she saw one sneaking up on her mate her eyes flashed.

Kar was talking to the Alpha when he heard a growl, he knew all too well turning he saw his mate jumping from the shadows on to a man that was behind him. Her teeth showing, she tore his neck out then looked at everyone she was still in her wolf form. "Baby what are you doing?" she growled as she walked closer to him.

She shifted and looked at them all. "That man was a traitor. You will pledge your loyalty or join the group that will end up just like him. We are the new Guardian pack and wish to help all packs better themselves. Our laws will be upheld by all. If you have a problem, we will do all we can to help you. The old pack has let power go to there heads." She stopped next to Kar.

"So, says you. How do we know you are not the power-hungry pack?" she smiled at the man. "The Goddess has stripped them of their power all wolves felt it. I only wish to bring our race peace. Please understand I didn't ask for this, but I will do whatever I can to make sure no one suffers like I used to." Three Alpha's walked over and kneeled in front of her. "We would be honored to be your allies." Then three more did the same leaving two others. They turned and walked away.

When the meeting ended Lynn looked at her mate and smiled. "You my Love are so beautiful. We need to get you home through you're burning up." She shifted and followed him back home. "Are you going to stay in wolf form Love?" Kar asked her. "Yes, I heal faster this way." Lynn was laying in bed tossing and turning from the dream she was having. "Love wake up." She sat up and grabbed Kar's arm. "The drawing. I know what is means. The vampires have turned some of the wolves. They can still shift but their eyes will be red. Kar, they are bloodthirsty."

As morning rolled around Lynn walked downstairs. She went was about to make coffee, then sniffed it. "It's safe love I already checked." Lynn's head snapped up as a howl was heard. She ran outside quickly shifting as she ran. She was running when she smelled blood. As she got to the packs border she saw four dead wolves they were from her pack and all scouts. She knew the person that did this was still close by. "I know you close." She says. Lynn hears Kar getting closer when someone pins her to the ground growling. "Hello, runt."

Lynn looked into the blood-red eyes of Paul. She was able to kick him off her as he circled her. She let out a loud growl warning anyone that was close by. "You killed members of my pack Paul. For that the punishment is death." She wasn't as strong as she should be, she still had wolfbane in her system.

"I'm already dead my pet." She cringed at the name. "Kar please hurry." She couldn't get more out because Paul attacked. "Did I say you could talk to anyone? You will remember your place." Paul launched himself at her again when he was hit by Kar. "Kar the wolfsbane is still in me." She was having a hard time.

Kar stood in front of his mate. "Let me take over and protect our mate." He heard his wolf beg. "Go for it." Kar gave Miko control. He growled at the man that dared to attack her. Miko watched his movement and saw his opening. He hit Paul who stood up slowly. "This isn't over Lynn I will be back." She growled back.

When he was gone Miko turned and looked at her. "Lynn, we need to get you home." They were both still in wolf form. She was too tired to shift as she collapsed to the ground. Kar quickly shifted back and ran to her. Her breathing was shallow. Picking her up he carried her home. Even though she was still in wolf form he laid her in bed. "Kar, Ulva is dying. There is too much wolfbane... in my system for her." Her body shifted back on its own.

Kar held her hand as Lynn let out a cry her wolf was dead. She had died to keep Lynn alive. Lynn laid there not listening to anyone around her. She felt lost. Kar looked down at his mate and wanted to cry. He couldn't help her with this, and it was killing him. As the days passed, she started moving around but she wasn't the same happy person she used to be. Lynn was sitting in her painting studio not paying attention to anything. "Love what are you painting?" she blinked and looked up at her painting.

It was a painting for a black wolf with a blue crystal necklace. on the top it said. COME FIND MY LYNN "Who is that?" Kar asked her. "I don't know. I don't even remember painting it." Kar saw her body shaking and pulled her to him. "Kar how I'm I to lead all the wolves when I don't have one?" she asked. "I don't know love, but we will do it together." He tells her. He hated seeing her so broken and defeated like this.