Chapter Nine

Lynn was out walking the woods a few days later when she ran across a wolf laying down. It was injured. She walked closer holding her hand out to show she wasn't going to hurt it. "I know you won't hurt me Lynn I have been waiting for you." The wolf says as Lynn sits down next to it. "You're the one from the painting, aren't you?" the wolf nods as she places a crystal blue necklace in Lynn's hand.

When Lynn looked up the wolf was gone. She held the necklace in her hands. "Lynn, what are you doing out here alone? Hun your freezing. Where did you get that?" Kar asks as he puts his coat around her. "I think it was a gift from the Goddess." She is unsure of what is going on and follows Kar back to the house.

As they get inside Lynn puts the necklace on and feels a warmth and calmness fall over her. "Kar" he turns to look at her. "Everything will be okay." She says with a smile. "I know Lynn. I will protect you always." Kar goes to finish up some pack work and Lynn goes to her studio as she opens the balcony door the wolf from before is sitting there waiting. "Thank the Goddess you are okay," Lynn said hugging the wolf. "Time is short child they are coming. You're not alone I promise you." She watched the wolf jump down to the ground and runoff. She walks back inside when Kar runs in. "Lynn the old guardian pack is here to see us." She calmly nods and walks out.

"We hear your wolf has died. That means your no longer fit to rule." The man in front of her said. She heard Kar growl from behind her. "I will not be giving up my spot anytime soon." She said calmly. "Then I will challenge you for it." The man said. She stood up and walked up to him. "I accept." Kar looked at her like she had lost her mind, but she walked past him with her head held high.

As they got to the clearing she looked over at the man. "You do know challenges have to be done in wolf form child." She just shrugged at the man. When he shifted, she smiled sweetly. The man jumped at her and she shifted so fast that if you blinked you would have missed it. There stood an all-black wolf. "My name is Chandra and in case you didn't know it means child of the Goddess."

Know one moved. "I'm Lynn's true wolf. Ulva was to get her ready for me but was taken from her before she could." The man in front of her attacked, this wolf was stronger and bigger. She easily pinned him beneath her. "Submit." The man's wolf refused. She snapped his neck. "All that refuse to obey the laws will be dealt with this is your last warning." She said using the link all wolves share. "We will not join you." The Bata of the old pack said. She looked at him. "So be it you have 2 mins to get off my packs land. You and your pack along with any that follow you are now rouges and will be killed on sight. Now leave." She let out a howl that had every wolf in her pack howling back.

Kar walked over to her and Lynn shifted back. "You found the wolf from your painting, didn't you?" she nods. "I didn't know she was to be mine though. I thought she was just sent to guide me." Kar pulled her into a hug. "You have no idea how scared I was for you." She looked up at him. "I'm sorry Kar I didn't tell you. I just wasn't 100% sure until I shifted. Oh, you know my wolf is now bigger than yours." She tells him with a small smile. "Love I don't care as long as your okay and forever in my life. Miko wants to meet his true mate though."

She laughed and once more shifted as did Kar. "Hello Miko, my name is Chandra. I'm your true mate." She bowed her head in respect then walked over and licked him. "What about Ulva? I still sense her." They were now walking. "In a way she is me and I'm her. We were split in two just in case something like this was to happen. I'm sorry I know it is hard to understand." She stops and stands there. "Are you really the Goddess's child?" he asked. "I'm yes Lynn is not her mother was a priestess to the Goddess and showed great bravery, so the Goddess blessed her child with me as a wolf."

The two wolves got to know each other and played with each other as they ran and jump. Playfully attacking each other. "we must return Lynn is not used to my power yet and she needs rest." Miko licked her then nods his head. Lynn shifts back to her human form as does Kar. He picks her up making her laugh. "I missed that noise love. Hell, I kind of miss your pranks." She kissed his cheek. "You may live to regret them words baby." He shook his head. "When it comes to you love I will never regret anything."

Kar laid her down in bed. "Stay here I will go make you dinner okay." She smiles as he hands her the tv remote. When he comes back in the room, she is hugging his pillow and jumps when she sees him. "Love are you watching a scary movie?" she nods as she hides her face behind the pillow. "I made chicken alfredo." Just then something jumped in front on the tv and Lynn screamed as she jumped into his arms. "So, the leader of all wolves gets scared from horror movies." He said with a smile laugh.

She stayed in his arms as they finished the movie. She would bury herself in his arms at the scary parts. Both him and Miko loved it and would hold on to her. When the movie ended, she stood up and went to the bathroom. When she heard a door shut loudly, she ran out and into his arms making him laugh. "Love it was just a movie."