Chapter Ten

Lynn was down in the kitchen when she heard Kar yelling from upstairs. Everyone in the kitchen stopped and looked at her. She was just sitting there with a smile. When he stormed into the kitchen His Bata saw him and fell off the stool laughing. "Why baby what has you screaming so loud this morning?" Lynn sat there looking so innocent. Kar let out a growl and she just raised her eyes at him. "Baby why is your hair bright green?" he started walking towards her and she jumped up. "Love please come here." She smiled. "No way you look like a monster." She said as she laughed. Lynn took off running through the house with Kar right behind her.

She was waiting for him. When he came into the room she jumps on his back and kissed his neck. "Baby it washes out. Plus, you did say you missed my pranks." Kar moved and she fell off his back on to the bed. She looked up at him as he leaned over her. He let out a low growl making her smile. "You may want to make sure the door is locked baby." She says. Kar goes and locks turning to look at her. "Undress mate." She bowed her head. "As my Alpha commands."

An hour later she was laying in his arms only a sheet covering them both. "I can't believe you messed with my shampoo." He told her kissing the top of her head. "How do you know that's all I messed with?" she challenged him. He looked down to see her smiling at him. "Love should I be checking everything I use?" she shrugged. "Sorry, I'm too tired to remember. Kar moved and started tickling her sides making her laugh so hard she was in tears. "Okay, okay your safe." He stopped as she stood up taking the sheet with her. At the bathroom door, she turned to him. "For now, anyway." She quickly stepped inside and shut the door locking it.

Lynn was once more in the kitchen making cookies with the kids. She looked up. "Kids to the safe room now." She got them all there. "Kar where are you and the scouts?" she asked. "The other side of our land why?" Her wolf was pacing her mind. "There are rouges close and I have children here." Her front door was broken open making her shift to protect the kids in the room behind her.

"We are on our way love be careful." She heard him. Her eyes never leaving the wolf in front of her. It was the one that attacked her before. She growled out a warning. The wolf came closer. "We will take everything from you then when you have nothing let, we will kill you slowly." She readied herself. "Let's end his life, my friend." Her wolf growled in her head. "Yes, I agree." Lynn let her walls down and her wolf took over as she attacked moving much faster than before.

The rouge wolf bit into her neck tossing her out the living room window at Kar's feet. She just stood up and shook off the glass-like nothing happened. She growled and ran at the wolf again. This time she got her opening and bit down on the bottom of his neck. She tastes his blood in her mouth and her wolf loved it. The wolf was at her mercy now. "Please let me live I will never come back." He begged, but he had treated her pack. She growled and bit down harder ending his life. She let out a howl as the moon rose. All in her pack bowed their heads in respect to their Luna.

She shifted back and ran to check on the children. Kar followed her and saw her kneeling down as the kids ran out to hug her. "Thank you, Luna." They all said. The sight made him proud to call her his. As he walked closer, he stopped and turned to the door to see another wolf it was growling and staring at Lynn and the children. Kar shifted this time and blocked the view of his mate and the children. "Leave you're not welcome here," Kar warned the female. "She killed my mate." The wolf attacked and Kar quickly took her down. "Submit and leave." He growled out. If he could help it he didn't want to have to kill a female. "Fine." She said as she walked away.