32- Exploration

There was someone in the elevator with them nearly the whole way. Ryan's heart pounded. They were close. So close. He was nervous, and excited. They got off the elevator and walked to Scott's door. Once inside, Scott set down the bags, and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Um, maybe-" Ryan stammered a little, "maybe, should we, um, shower first?"

Scott raised an eyebrow, glancing down at Ryan's new waterproof collar. "Together?"

"You can, ah, go first..."

"If that's what you want." Scott kissed Ryan's cheek. "I'll be quick, I promise."

Scott didn't know why Ryan requested that after his little show, but he complied anyway. The only thing he could think was that Ryan really was body shy. He even covered himself when taking a piss. If Ryan needed this to be slow, then he would take it slow. It was a cold shower.

Scott got out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel, and Ryan went in, sharing a kiss in passing. As he dried his hair, Scott double checked that he had everything ready in the bedroom. It was all set, even some special oils he'd bought on a whim.

Ryan thankfully didn't take much time either, though he came out in his pajamas. Scott led him back to the bathroom, claiming he'd bought something special for him. That "something special" turned out to be a hair dryer, and Scott took great delight in tending Ryan's hair 'till it shone, while Ryan himself practically melted under the ministrations.

After Ryan's hair was appropriately bound, Scott asked, "You ready?"

"Yeah," Ryan nodded.

"Should we have a safe word, just in case?"

Ryan thought carefully. He hadn't had a safe word before. "Did you have one in mind?"

"How about 'geese'?"

"Geese? Why 'geese'?" Ryan chuckled.

"Because geese are assholes and when I was a kid a goose bit me and I will never forgive them. One of us says 'geese', the other has at stop because they're being an asshole."

Ryan got a kick out of Scott's stoicism. "'Geese' it is, then!"

With that settled, Scott led him gently by hand to the bedroom. Time to take this slow. They started with a kiss, slow and deliberate. Scott forced himself to keep his hands from venturing below Ryan's midsection. He tested with his tongue, and Ryan let him in. Their tongues slipped over and around each other as they explored. His towel came loose, held in place only by the contact of their bodies.

They stumbled over to the bed and Scott laid Ryan down gently without breaking their mouth's contact. Ryan's legs wrapped around him instinctively. He broke the kiss, and slid his hand partway under Ryan's shirt.

"May I?"

Ryan nodded and sat up. It was then that he got his first eyeful of uncircumcised little Scott, who wasn't so little, and had the balls to match.

"Wow, you're big..."

"You still want to do this?"

Ryan nodded again, and let Scott remove his shirt. He quickly covered his chest with his hands.

"Can... I see...?" Scott lightly tapped Ryan's hands with his fingertips.

Ryan slowly moved his hands away, revealing his dark areolas, not knowing that Scott had seen it all before. He shivered when Scott moved his hand up his chest and caressed his nipple with his thumb. It was like his senses were heightened. Scott leaned in close. Their lips locked again, and Ryan was once again on his back, letting out little appreciative sounds as Scott played with his chest. Scott kissed along his jawline up to his ear, down to his collar protected neck, his shoulder, his collar bone... When Scott's mouth found his nipple, he moaned in ecstasy.

Scott worked first one side, then the other. So far, so good. Both Ryan's nipples stood at full attention, and he rolled them between his fingers as he made his way back to Ryan's mouth. He was starting to throb. He wanted to be inside so badly, but he had to get Ryan loosened up first. Ryan's movements, his sounds, his smell... were practically intoxicating. He cupped Ryan's ass, giving it a little squeeze.

"Underwear next?" He breathed into Ryan's ear.


Scott slid his fingers under the elastic waist band and slipped the garment off of Ryan's hips. Ryan again covered himself as Scott stood over him. Scott crouched down between Ryan's legs, face to face with his concealing hands. He could see Ryan's hole, same dark color as his nipples, twitching, and practically dripping wet. He tapped at Ryan's hands again, seeking permission. They moved away, and he was able to see him in all his glory.

Ryan's erection nearly bounced with eagerness, reacting to the warmth of Scott's breath. The head peeked out from under his foreskin, surprisingly pink. He was on the smaller side, even erect, but that was to be expected.

"You're beautiful!"

"You don't think I look... weird?"

"Gorgeous!" Scott insisted, making his way back to Ryan's mouth to confirm it with a kiss. "Do you want to continue?"

Ryan wrapped his arms around Scott's neck. "Yes," he breathed.

"Then let's get you stretched out. I don't want to hurt you."

Ryan had never been "stretched out" before. He watched as Scott donned a pair of nitrile gloves, coating his fingers in lube. He could see Scott's erection, wasn't he just going to shove it in and get it over with? He was instructed to lay with his ass half off the bed, and to brace his legs on either side of Scott's shoulders.

"Sorry if this is a little cold. Tell me if it hurts, okay"

"Oka-EEE!" Ryan was caught off guard as Scott slipped his finger inside. It was definitely a little cold, but as Scott slid it in and out, it started feeling really good. Ryan took up handfuls of the blanket.

Scott slipped his second finger in at a different angle, feeling inside for the appropriate entrance.

"You know, funny thing about your anatomy," Scott said matter-of-factly as he worked his fingers deeper until he found what he was looking for, "the prostate of the male omega is located between the birth canal and the anal wall."

He scissored his fingers, applying gentle pressure to the gland. Ryan immediately arched his back and moaned in delight.

"Oh? Did you like that?" Scott teased, his voice husky. "Do you want more?"

"M- ah! M-m-more! Ah! Pl-please!" Ryan begged.

Scott alternated between teasing his prostate and stretching his entrance. He got a third finger in. Ryan's dick was practically bouncing on front of his face, a drop of precum glistening on its tip. He took the shaft in his spare hand, and rubbed at the glans with his thumb. Ryan arched his back again, covering his mouth with his hands to stop any loud noises that might dare escape, panting heavily. Scott was eating it up, his boyfriend's reactions were nearly too much!

"If I can't hear your voice, how do I know if I'm doing a good job?"

"Ahn-! Ah-! Your- ah-! Your ne-EIII-bors-! They'll- ahn-! They'll hear-! Ohhh-!"

"These units are soundproof," Scott assured. "You can make as much noise as you want."

Ryan was really loosening up. Scott could probably stick himself in any time now. Not yet though. Ryan was close. Scott could tell by the way his insides were squeezing his fingers. He just needed a little push over the edge. Scott slipped a fourth finger in, and ran his tongue up Ryan's shaft, from the base to the tip, then wrapped his lips around it and started sucking.

"No- ahn-! Not your- ah-! I'm gonna- ohhh-! Ge-! Geeh-! OOHHH!!!"

Ryan held his breath as his body twitched and spasmed from his orgasm. His nerves were on fire, in a good way. It was better than any orgasm he could remember having, even including his heats. His blood practically roared in his ears. As it subsided, he propped himself up on his elbows, just in time to see Scott's throat working as he swallowed.

"Oh, fuuuuck..." Ryan moaned as he flopped back down, hiding his face behind his arm.

Scott slid his fingers out and pulled off the glove before looming over his boyfriend seductively, propping himself up by his hands. "Well?"

Ryan was still hiding. The fact that he actually ejaculated was a bit of a shock. He almost never ejaculated outside of his heat.

"Why'd you use your mouth?"

"I'm sorry," Scott's tone was apologetic. "Did you not like it?" He laid down beside him and caressed Ryan's shoulder.

"An alpha isn't supposed to do things like that. Giving oral sex, swallowing semen..." Ryan pouted behind his arm, embarrassed. "I tried to use the safe word, but I couldn't get it out in time."

"I guess that makes me an asshole, huh? Did you hate it?"

"... Not entirely..."

"Will you let me see your face?"

Ryan lifted his arm up and peeked at Scott from the corner of his eye. Scott brushed Ryan's cheek and applied gentle pressure to get him to turn his head and face him.

Scott assured him, "What happens behind our doors is nobody else's business. This isn't alpha and omega, dominant and subordinate, we're two people who love each other. I only want to make you feel good. There's no reason to follow society's rules here. If I suck your dick, how's anyone else to know? But, if you really didn't like it, I promise to never do it again."

"It did feel really good though..."

"In that case, you have nothing to worry about. I promise I won't spring it on you again without asking permission."


"I swear on my honor as an alpha, and as a medical professional."

"I love you..." Ryan turned and draped his arms around his boyfriend, initiating a slow kiss. Scott's mouth was bitter, but he didn't care.

Between kisses, Scott asked, "So, we're continuing, then?"