33- Sweet Intimacy

"So, we're continuing, then?" Scott asked

"Do you... want me to do you too? With my mouth, I mean?"

They broke off and Scott grabbed for the new box of condoms on the nightstand, giving it a little shake.

"Actually, I was hoping we'd move on to the main event?"

Ryan watched as Scott pulled one out and opened the package with his teeth, before slowly rolling it down his rather impressive cock. The lube strung on his fingers, and the condom itself looked textured. Ryan glanced at the box, noticing it said "ribbed." He could feel his neither regions twitching. He'd never used a ribbed condom before, but he'd heard they felt good. He was definitely ready to go again.

"So... How do you want me, Cuddle Bug?"

Ryan tried to look as seductive as possible, which considering how little practice he had, wasn't very effective, unless you were a certain smitten someone who found it completely endearing. Scott growled low in his throat and made a beckoning motion with his fingers. He guided Ryan to sit in his lap so they were face to face.

"And now?" Ryan asked.

This was new and exciting. The only sex he'd ever had with an alpha was the standard "face down, ass up, let them do what they want, and no talking." Scott had asked his consent multiple times already. It was a heady aphrodisiac, having his own needs met first for once. Scott gripped his ass cheeks and lifted his hips up so Ryan was on his knees as he straddled him. Each side seemed to fit perfectly in Scott's hands.

Scott whispered in his ear, "Ease down on it, nice and slow. I want to see your face when we're connected for the first time."

There was a bit of shimmying to get things lined up, and Scott helped Ryan position his hips for more effective entry. Scott's rod stood straight and tall, ready for action. Ryan's hands were braced on Scott's shoulders as he applied a little downward force, feeling his hole stretch to accommodate. He slid down Scott's length slowly, trying to force himself to relax. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but it didn't hurt. That in itself was surprising. Wasn't sex supposed to hurt? It had never not hurt before.

Hips met hips with a soft thud. Under him, Scott's whole body was flushed pink, and his face was greedy. That was okay. Ryan was feeling pretty greedy himself right about now. He could feel instinct trying to take over. He craved movement. Scott's cock was putting pressure on all the right places inside him. He started bouncing experimentally. There was a soft "paff" sound every time he came down, and a wet "shlik" sound when he pulled back up. The bed springs creaked with the movement. Was sex supposed to feel this good?

Scott started panting as he watched Ryan ride him. It was a beautiful sight. Both his braid and his dick bounced along with his body, and sweat was just beginning to make his skin glisten. His insides were warm and tight, and he was making the most adorable little sounds as he moved. This was worth waiting for. This was worth waiting for a thousand times over. His nerves were on fire with sensitivity. He pulled Ryan's face close and a wrestling match of tongues began. Gasps of pleasure escaped both of them.

Scott could feel his insides coiling up. He was getting close. He bowled Ryan over, quickly but gently. Their lips stayed joined. Now, he was on top, pumping furiously to find his release. Ryan's legs were wrapped around him, and he could feel Ryan's nails digging into his back.

Ryan broke the kiss, panting, "Bite the collar –ah– if you need too –ahn–!"

Scott buried his face against Ryan's neck, against the collar. Ryan's scent was strong here. A part of him wished the fabric wasn't in the way. Something warm and wet slid across his ear sending shivers down his spine. Did Ryan just lick him? Oh damn, that was sexy!

He must have hesitated just a second too long, because the next thing Ryan did was to whisper in his ear, "Show the whole world who I belong to..."

That did it. He sunk his teeth into the protective device and within a few pumps he came. His whole body trembled as it poured itself into his mate. Ryan was his. A sound escaped him, possessive and triumphant.

Ryan gasped when he felt the pressure of Scott's teeth against his collar. He could feel Scott's cock tense as he pounded in to him. He bore down ever so slightly, reveling in the sensation. Even with the condom, he could feel the semen shooting inside him. The sound Scott made as he continued to ejaculate was almost enough to send him over the edge. He grabbed himself with his hand and, with very little stimulation, was able to reach his own dry orgasm.

He could feel Scott continue to twitch inside him, his breath hot and wet on his neck. He knew already that sometimes when an alpha came, they could come a lot, and it could take longer to come down off the orgasm high. He felt himself stretch a little further as the characteristic knot formed at the base of Scott's penis, locking them together.

It was an adaptation unique to alphas that ensured every drop of semen was delivered to their mate. Ryan knew from experience that outside of a rut, or reacting to an omega in heat, it wasn't a typical reaction for sex. But, Scott's pheromones weren't any stronger than usual. It was a very affirming thing, feeling Scott's body react to his like this. He wrapped his arms around Scott, pulling their bodies closer. He ran one hand through Scott's hair and rubbed Scott's back with the other one. This was new too, this intimacy, being the one giving the comfort.

"I love you," Ryan murmured, "I love you so much..."

Scott stopped biting with a shuddering sigh. He kissed the fabric, working his way to Ryan's shoulder, where he applied just a bit more suction on a few spots. Maybe they weren't yet tied as mates, but he was laying claim anyway. Satisfied with the markings, he shifted to plant a lingering kiss on Ryan's lips.

"I didn't... hurt you...? Did I...?"

Ryan returned the kiss. "No. That was amazing," he said dreamily, tucking Scott's hair behind his ear, "I wish we'd done this sooner."

"It means more when both people are ready, though."

"I suppose so..."

Once the knot subsided, Scott sat up and started pulling out slowly, Ryan moaning softly at the sensation. He slipped out of the condom, unsurprising given the amount of jizz he'd loaded into it. He quickly grabbed the end of it to prevent the aforementioned goop from squirting out to make a mess, and with a little bit of force, the whole thing popped out like a little water balloon.

Ryan watched as Scott deftly tied the condom in a knot and threw it away. Ryan crawled over to him and straddled him once again, leaning in to his chest. They looked deep into each other's eyes.

"Round two?" Scott asked mischievously.

"Round two," Ryan agreed.

Scott decided to break out the massage oils he'd bought. One was a vanilla ginger scent that warmed, and the other was a strawberry scent that tingled. He had Ryan pick one and lay on his stomach, insisting that Ryan could massage him later, and that right now he wanted the excuse to touch him all over.

Ryan acquiesced, choosing the strawberry oil. He'd neither given nor had a massage before. He vowed to pay close attention, so when it came to his turn to do Scott, he'd have a point of reference. He kept that part to himself though.

Scott poured out a liberal amount of the fruity scented oil into his hands, warming it up by rubbing his palms together. He could already feel the tingling sensation. He straddled Ryan, sitting just behind his butt, and ran his hands from the small of Ryan's back to his shoulders, then down his arms.

"Oh, that feels nice," Ryan moaned into the blanket. The oil tingled pleasantly on his skin, and the smell of strawberries filled the room.

"Is this enough pressure?" Scott started working on his shoulders.

"Mmmnnn... More..."

Scott followed through with more pressure. He reveled in having his boyfriend's muscles relax under his fingers. Getting prolonged access to stare at The Butt wasn't bad either, though he noticed it showed some of the fine scarring his shoulders did. Now that he had a chance to look in detail again, he could see that Ryan was probably still a little more thin than he should be. If Scott had his way, Ryan would never be hungry, and there would never again be a new scar on his skin. Well, except for one. Their mating mark. All in good time, though. If Ryan would let him, he'd take such good care of him.