34- Getting Even

He worked down to Ryan's lower back, when Ryan suddenly tensed all over. It wasn't hard to tell why. The muscle under his left hand was one big knot.

"Sorry! Give me just a sec, I promise I'll make it feel better."

Scott focused his attention on that one spot. He was no masseuse, but he did attend a seminar in college for extra credit. He got the muscle to loosen up in no time, and triumphed in Ryan's sigh of relief.

"Seriously, is cooking the only thing you can't do?" Ryan chuckled. "Your fingers are magic!"

"Magic only for you."

Scott finished with Ryan's back, then repositioned himself and started in on Ryan's legs. Ryan was surprised to say the least, but it felt so good... Especially when Scott rubbed his inner thighs... And oh my gosh, having his feet rubbed was other-worldly!

Scott had to admit that Ryan had some really nice legs. They were well-toned, long, and lean, probably because he worked standing up all day. And most of all, they terminated in The Butt. Scott applied a little bit more oil, and gave Ryan's rear a very gentle SMACK, squishing it between his palms. He rubbed it in opposite directions, delighting in the way the muscles yielded under his hands. The oil made it slick and shiny, and it caught the light as it bounced while he played with it.

"Having fun?" Ryan joked.

"You just don't know how long I've wanted to do this. You've got the cutest ass I've ever seen!"

"And you've seen a lot of ass."

"Maybe, but yours is special." Scott patted it affectionately like a bongo drum. "It happens to be attached to my favorite person."

He was very careful to not get any of the massage oil between the cheeks or near Ryan's hole, because that would destroy the condom later. Oil dissolves latex, after all. And, he was very much so banking on a round two. After working the majority of the oil in, he gripped one side in each hand and pulled apart, watching Ryan's hole stretch and distort. It was puckering, and glistening in its own brand of lubrication. He blew on it, causing Ryan to buck his hips with a squeak.

"Ready to continue?"

"Please?" Ryan eased himself up on all fours, arching his back provocatively like a cat. His whole body felt loose like it never had before. If that was the power of a massage, he was definitely never going to turn one down should Scott be feeling so generous. He only hoped he could achieve similar results when it was his turn. The oil still tingled where it hadn't yet absorbed into his skin.

"Okay, but either you have to put the condom on me or I've got to go wash my hands."

Ryan's response to that was to grab a condom from the box. He tried to imitate Scott by opening it with his teeth, but he nearly tore the packaging in half in his eagerness. Scott had leaned back, presenting himself. Ryan took Scott's dick in one hand to steady it, and rolled the condom down with the other. Scott's rod felt really nice in his hands, solid and heavy, but despite the temptation to play with it, somewhere else was begging for it right now. He couldn't help himself though, and he teased the tip just a little with his finger, making it twitch and Scott gasp. He'd never had this much fun with sex.

Round two had Ryan braced against the headboard. Scott was being slow and deliberate with his movements, as though memorizing every inch of Ryan's insides. One hand cradled Ryan's chest, and the other delicately stroked Ryan's genitals. He peppered Ryan's shoulders in slow kisses, savoring his scent mixed with strawberries, leaving the occasional hickey. With the first initial rush of mating over, he was ready to take his time.

Ryan was eating it up, this tender love. He could feel his heart beating in time to Scott's movements. The rest of the world faded away. It was just the two of them. He made appreciative noises, clenching whenever Scott was all the way inside. Behind him, Scott started making desperate little sounds.

"Ahn– so good..." Ryan moaned encouragingly. "Your dick feels– ahn!– so... good...!"

Scott picked up his pace a little. "I love you," he breathed. "I love you. I love you. I love you..."

Scott repeated that with each thrust. He was getting close again. He mixed some grinding in with his thrusting. So close! He pressed his chest against Ryan's back, and Ryan turned his head to kiss him, taking one of his hands from the headboard to lace fingers with the hand Scott had on his chest. Ryan then pulled Scott's hand to his mouth, and ran his tongue down Scott's palm. That was all it took. He resisted the urge to bite, but Scott pressed their hips together tightly as he came, shuddering.

He didn't produce as much this time, nor did he form a knot. Only when an alpha was on their rut could they turn out such high quantities of ejaculate time and time again. He pulled Ryan close, so he was sitting on his lap, still connected. That tongue of his... Scott wondered briefly what else it could do. He continued teasing Ryan's front, not knowing if his boyfriend was able to cum again or not. A sudden tightness and a gasp answered his question. Afterwards, Ryan relaxed against him, breathing heavily. Still, Scott wasn't ready to disconnect.

"I love you," Scott affirmed.

"I know. I love you too."

With a little awkwardness Scott laid them down so they were spooning, Ryan still held close. He knew they'd have to come apart eventually. They were both sweaty, and it was getting late. Sure, they'd share the same bed tonight, but this was a special moment. He didn't want it to end.

"Round three?" Ryan asked, slightly short of breath.

"You've got enough energy for another go?" Scott was equally out of breath.

"You know," Ryan mused aloud, "we're not exactly even. You made me cum three times, but you only got two."

"That's okay. I don't mind."

They lay in silence a few moments longer, savoring the contact. Too much longer and they'd probably pass out.

"Hey, Cuddle Bug?"

"Yeah, Hot Stuff?"

"I wouldn't mind showering together, and I want to try giving you a massage too."

That was enough incentive for Scott to get moving. He slid out, removing and tying up the condom before throwing it out. He then scooped up a very surprised Ryan "bridal style."

"See, I told you you aren't too heavy for me."

Ryan wrapped his arms around Scott's neck, laughing. They kissed, and with a little twirl, Scott waltzed them in to the bathroom.

Once in the shower, they were better able to take stock of their "injuries." Ryan had several hickeys, and Scott had a few raised marks on his back. Ryan was a little worried that he might have broken the skin with his nails, but luckily that didn't seem to be the case.

They took turns washing each other in the warm water, taking full advantage of the oversized walk-in shower, getting hard to reach places, and some not so hard to reach places. Turns out both of them loved having their hair washed. Then, Ryan decided he was going to even the score, and Scott found out exactly what he could do with that tongue of his.

He was surprised when Ryan suddenly got on his knees and licked his penis from head to base, looking up at him with such a naughty expression. It was a hard thing to not react to, so Scott let it happen. He sat down hard on the built-in shower bench, and watched Ryan go to work. He licked, and nibbled, and rubbed, and fondled, and in no time Scott was a rock hard, panting, mess. Seeing your boyfriend, his long dark hair plastered to his shoulders from the falling water, kneeling between your knees with your balls in his mouth tended to do that to you. How was he so good at this?

What really did it though, was when Ryan took the head of his cock in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive tip. Then, his lips got lower, and lower, and lower... Ryan took him deep into his throat, and started bobbing.

Oh, fuck! It was too much! How the fuck did he learn to do this?! Fuck! Scott pulled him off in surprise right as he came, and ended up shooting his load across Ryan's face, and in to his hair.

"I would have swallowed it, you know." Ryan wiped some of the semen from his lips. "Besides, you did the same for me."

Scott was spent. That wasn't something he was expecting. He really, really wanted to ask where Ryan learned to do that. He slid off the bench and wrapped himself around his boyfriend. Hot damn.

"You okay?" Ryan asked.

"Just... a little surprised. Let's... save the deep throating for special occasions... okay?"

In the end, Scott helped wash the semen off, and washed Ryan's hair all over again, not that either complained.

With the shower over, they were soon dried and dressed for bed, Scott in his lounge pants, and Ryan in his oversized t-shirt and boxers. Scott used the hair dryer again, leaving Ryan all but purring.

When they got back to the bedroom, Ryan ran to the nightstand, picking up both bottles of massage oil.

"Pick one! Your turn."