Day 4 (II)

"She knows what I like about her. She knows what others like about her. And she keeps everyone in mind, even the ones who have wronged her."


"Hey babe," I smile sweetly at Ayan and pull him towards me, away from the girl's hold. "It's time for you to put your ointment."

The girl (who was very much attached at the hip with Ayan a second ago) is wearing a mini dress, has thrown on a pair of sunglasses and has her arms crossed over her chest.

She looks like a snobby spoilt daughter of a millionaire to me.

She smiles at Ayan in a way that never means good things, batting her eyelashes at him.

I roll my eyes at how foolish she looks, trying to gain his attention.

She then rolls back her shoulders, tosses her amber hair and glances my way, eyeing me up and down and then scoffs.

Feeling is mutual, bimbo!

"What ointment?" Ayan asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

I take a deep breath before answering, "For your haemorrhoids, babe."

I watch as his jaw drops and he looks at me furiously.


"What?" Bimbo shrieks, looking at Ayan for confirmation.

"Yeah, I don't understand why he beats himself up over it." I smile sadly and continue, "It's more common than you think! It's a serious problem which needs more attention. You don't need to hide the fact that you have discomfort when you sit on the toilet seat."

Before Ayan can deny everything, I place my hand on his bicep and pat him on the head. "Babe, you don't have to deny anything. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I support you, your friends support you, your family supports you! Heck, we will be there with you as you fight your way out-"

Ayan cuts me off by covering my mouth and drags me away. I give the bimbo one last look of innocence before I glare at Ayan and push him away.

"Piles?" he whispers angrily. "PILES?" he asks again, his voice rising.

I smile but that dissipates as soon as I look into his deadly eyes. Did I mention I'm shit scared right now?

"Ayan-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"I don't have piles!" he roars, causing everyone else to look at us. I hear laughter behind me which only enrages him furthermore.

I snicker at his statement. "Babe, you don't need to announce that to everyone."

"You... you..." he sputters with rage, "I don't have any problem!"

I grin from ear to ear as I say, "If you won't admit the problem, how will anyone help you?"

"Naira," he screams in frustration. "My body works fine!"

"Babe," I mock him. "I know males have a lot of pressure on them but it's okay, you don't have to hide it. I support you!"

I clamp a hand over my mouth as I laugh in amusement. I get my laugh under control before I say, "Do you want to see a doctor for your... situation?"

"Naira," he growls in frustration. "SHUT UP!"

"Make me," I say, chuckling at his embarrassed face.

He sighs, "You're impossible, Naira."

I send him one of his classic winks and smirk. "I try, babe."

"Well now you won't be able to flirt with any of these girls anytime soon," I say, tilting my head towards the bimbo, who is whispering profusely to a group of girls that surround her and is pointing at Ayan again and again.

He smirks. "I see what this was about, baby."

Then suddenly he steps near, closing the distance between us and places his hand on the small of my back, making my stomach flutter at his warm touch. He towers over me as I stare at him with wide eyes.

He brings his mouth closer to my ear and whispers, "You were jealous."


"What?" I shout, stepping away from him. "There's nothing for me to be jealous of."

"What will I be jealous about anyway, huh?" I say, calming my thudding heart down.

"I should have realised this sooner," he says, looking at me mischievously. "You couldn't bear seeing me flirt with another girl. You want me to only flirt with you, sunflower?"

"What nonsense!" I mutter, glaring at him, "Bullshit! I don't give a flying fuck about whoever you flirt with. For all I care, you can go fu-"

"Shh," he says, shutting me up with his finger on my lips. "For someone who is so innocent, you sure curse a lot."


The rest of the sentence dies in my throat when he places his hand on my bare stomach and pulls me closer to him.

Why couldn't have I worn something that covered my stomach?

"You don't care if I'm this close to some other girl?"

I shake my head as I shiver from his touch.

"Really?" he asks, raising his eyebrow. He traces his finger on my cheek slowly, making me shut my eyes tightly. He brings his mouth closer, his breath fanning my face. I suck in a breath as he places a light kiss on my cheek, lingering longer than necessary. "And this?"

I gulp and whisper lowly, "No."

His lips curve in a knowing smile as he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and gazes into my eyes with affection. "How about this?"

"Ahem," Rudy interjects, clearing his throat.

Oh, thank God. I have never liked him more!

Ayan and I spring apart and I avert my eyes, refusing to look at any of them. The entire group has smirks plastered on their faces.

"My babies," Emily says, jumping excitedly. "I'm so proud of you."

What's there to be proud of? I swear I can never understand this girl.

"Don't let us disturb you." Cole grins. "Where were you going to touch her next, Ayan?"

My cheeks flame red. I glare at Cole and groan in frustration. "I'm leaving."

I actually liked Cole!

Snakes. All of them are snakes!

"Oh come on, sunflower," they all say collectively.


Kill me, please!