Day 4 (III)

"There are lines on the side of your eyes. They appear when you smile."


"Ayan," I say, dumping my phone in his lap. "Sara is video calling."

We all are gathered in the living room. As soon as I mention Sara's name, their faces lit up with excitement.

Ayan snatches his laptop from Rudy's lap. Rudy groans, "Hey I was watching something!"

Ayan scrunches his eyebrows and asks, "Shin Chan?"

We all chuckle at him. Rudy mutters, "It's a classic! No one is ever old enough to watch Shin Chan."

I grin at him. "That's true. But you shouldn't watch that show. It's rubbing off on you."

"Okay guys," Ayan says, motioning all of us. "I'm video calling Sara."

They all gather around us but Zubair excuses himself and leaves the room. I look at his retreating back before getting up and following after him. Ayan tries to stop me but I shrug him off.

His bedroom door is wide open so I knock once and peep inside. He's sitting on the bed, dejected, staring at the ceiling.

"Uh, can I come in?"

"Sure," Zubair mutters.

"What's up, Zuby?" I ask, plunging on the bed next to him. "You don't want to talk to Sara?"

"It's nothing like that," he sighs, "I was feeling sleepy."

I pat his head. "Then why haven't you slept yet?"

"Because..." he states uncertainly, "It takes time to sleep?"

I roll my eyes. "Let the cat out of the bag. Sup? What happened?"

"Nothing happened, Naira!" he exclaims exasperatedly.

"I'm not leaving you alone to wallow here." I smile at him. "If you don't want to talk to me then I'll send Rudy. So it's either me or him, you can choose wisely."

I give him a half shrug and a grin. Yeah, I know, I'm smart.

"You're not nice," he says, defeated.

I smile and gesture him to spill the tea.

"I, umm... I've been in love with Sara since I was in college but I've never told her. I just avoid her any chance I get now."

I look at him wide-eyed. "You haven't been with any girl since college?"

His eyebrows rise in amusement. "Naira, of course, I have. My body has needs."

"Sorry," I smile sheepishly, "I didn't mean that..."

"Yeah, well," he rolls his eyes. "Now she has a kid and whenever I look at her, I freeze. Like, no words come out of my mouth. I'm as blank as a statue."

"That's called love." I grin at him. "But she is divorced now. So you've still got a chance, buddy."

He smiles at me sadly, "It's complicated, Naira."

"It's not complicated unless you make it."

I watch as his forehead wrinkles as he contemplates over my words.

I grab his arm and get him up to his feet. "Come, we're going to talk to Sara."

"No," he whines, "I'll mess it up like the dumbass I am."

"You're not dumb, silly." I roll my eyes, "Moreover if you're the only one who isn't there, it'll look suspicious."

He looks at me amusedly. "You just said I am not dumb and then called me silly in the same sentence."

I shake my head. "That's the spirit. Use this mouth in front of Sara too."

He smirks. "You do know how that sounds, right?"

I glare at him. Ugh!

When we enter the living room, I see that Kushagra is showing his drawing to Ayan who's grinning widely.

"That's, good, Ku, did-" Ayan is interrupted by Rudy who mutters, "I can draw better than that."

Sasha smacks him on his head, "He's just a kid."

"Don't bother, Sasha, Rudy won't understand. His brain stopped developing when he was just a kid." Zubair grins.

Kushagra giggles and Sara gives him one stern look and he shuts up. She smiles wholeheartedly at Zubair and waves, "Hi Zuby."

Zubair's grin dissipates as he stares at Sara in shock. He opens his mouth and then closes it again and continues staring at her.

Ayan frowns at Zubair but doesn't say anything. Ah, I guess I'll have to talk to him about this.

I pinch Zubair and he yelps. I whisper, "Say something."

"Uh h-hi," he fumbles as his cheeks redden.

"Hello, uncle," Kushagra waves his tiny hands in the air.

Zubair's eyes soften as he looks at him. "Hi, champ. How's school? Are you giving your teachers any trouble?"

Kushagra scowls and mutters, "School is a hell hole."

Sara pulls his ear tightly and frowns at him, "Who is teaching you all this?" We all laugh as she scolds him.

Kushagra mumbles, "Dad is."

Sara mutters something inaudible under her breath. I decide to give her a break and smile at Kushagra.

"Hi Ku."

He narrows his eyes at me and stutters, "Hello s-st-tranger."

"Hah!" Ayan grins, "That's my boy!"

I groan, "I told you it's Naira!"

Kushagra gives me a flat look and then looks at Ayan excitedly and asks, "Ayu, is she being mean to you? Just tell me and I'll handle her. Nobody troubles my Ayu!"


Ayan smirks and winks at me. I give him a pleading look. Ayan smiles at me and nods his head.

"She hasn't been mean to me, Ku."

Surprised, I look at him and smile. I pull my fist up in the air and whisper 'yes' excitedly.

To my dismay, my celebration is cut short when Ayan says, "She has been way worse. How do I put this? She's straight up devil. She makes me sleep on the floor. Steals my food. Hits me any chance she gets. I have bruises all over my arms. You can even ask Rudy."

Rudy nods and in mock sincerity, says, "She has made our life hell, Ku! I am scared of walking alone in this house. I don't know when she'll creep up behind me and attack. She's a vicious creature, Ku. You're lucky you're so far away from her reach." Then Rudy shudders, glancing at me.

Zubair clamps his hand over his mouth, shaking with laughter.

I smile shakily as I glance at Kushagra who is clenching his jaw in anger.

It's time for me to die. May I rest in peace!