Emily's POV

"Are you going to keep staring at the door?" Mom asks.

"Yes," I reply with a frown.

She must have heard the lack of enthusiasm in my voice because she turns around from the kitchen counter, wiping her hands on the dishtowel.

"I don't think he'll come today," she says, sighing.

"But Mommy he promised," I whine. "He's always away on business trips. When do I ever get to see him?"

"Emy," she says, running out of her patience. "He has work and Sasha to look after too. He's doing the best he can."

"If he doesn't show up today, I'm never going to talk to him," I look up at her. "He promised me that he'll give me a gift the next time he visits me.

"I WANT MY GIFT," I scream at her.

She looks at me with a stern look plastered on her face. "That's it, I'm done with your tantrums."

My eyes widen when the door opens and Dad enters the house with a bright smile on his face.

"Daddy," I jump from the chair excitedly and run up to him. "You came!"

"Yes, I promised you. Obviously, I would come," he picks me up in his arms and grins at me. "How are my favourite girls?"

"Not good," Mom glares at me. "She has started throwing these huge tantrums whenever you're late or don't show up."

I feel a small lump forming in my throat. I hate making dad upset especially when I only get to spend a little time with him. If only mom and I could get to live with him and Sasha.

"Oh, is that so?" he asks, looking at me amused.

I smile sheepishly before glancing down, looking for what he brought for me. When I see him empty-handed, I look at him with a small frown. "What gift did you bring for me this time?"

He gives me his usual warm smile as he says, "It's not what, it's who."

Mom and I look at him in confusion and he continues, "Your sister is your gift, Emy."

"What?" I look at him with wide eyes, unable to contain my happiness, "I get to meet her?"


"Emy, I'm going to tell you this for the last time, it's possible that Sasha won't be welcoming," Dad says as he drives the car.

Sitting in the backseat, I nod my head again and don't say anything.

"Don't you think that you're rushing?" Mom has a frown on her face. "If she doesn't take this well, which I'm sure she won't, this could change the way she looks at you, honey."

"What are you talking about?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Not now, Emy," she ignores me and looks at Dad.

I mimic her under my breath and scowl, crossing my arms. She always shuts me out of conversations, never telling me anything. Apparently, children don't get to know anything.

Hands on the steering wheel and with a faraway look in his eyes; he doesn't look happy. He smiles sadly at mom, "I have to tell her someday, Bri. The sooner I do, minimal the harm would be."

Mom goes silent after that.

Dad stops the car in the driveway, in front of his house.

I look at it in awe. Finally, a place to call home. Not big enough or small either. Just perfect.

I follow my parents towards the front door and go inside. Dad makes small talk with the caretaker before we move along, going upstairs until we are right in front of a brown door. He takes a deep breath before knocking on the door twice. When we hear a muffled voice, he steps inside.

Mom bends down in front of me and stares into my eyes. "Be my good girl?"

I smile at her and nod my head. Being a good girl means not whining and being cooperative with others. I can do that in front of my sister.

I just want her to like me.

When mom goes inside, I hide behind her back and peek at Sasha. She looks at me then, her black eyes - dark but with so much light in them - drilling into mine. Her mouth forms a grin and she waves at me. I smile shyly and hide behind my mother.

"Who are they, dad?" Sasha asks, her voice laced with curiosity.

"They're..." Dad takes a deep breath before continuing, "my wife and daughter."

"But... I'm your daughter..." Sasha says, unsure.

"You both are."

"How old is she?"


"Y-you cheated on mom?" Sasha asks in a thin voice when mom places her arm on Dad's shoulder.

Cheated? What does she mean?

Before I can ask mom about this, she gives me a stern look that shuts me up.

"When she was fighting for her life... when she was fighting to stay alive...

"How could you do that to her? She loved you. She loved you so much. You were her whole world." She slams her fist on the desk making everyone wince.

I try to comfort her but mom holds me back and tries to take me out of the room. Sasha stops her by shutting the door on my face.

I huff and wait outside the door for them to come out.

"I'm sorry," Dad murmurs before walking downstairs and away from my sight. Mom gives me a soft smile when I ask, "What did sis mean by cheating?"

"Emy..." she pauses before saying, "Mommy and Daddy made a big mistake which is why your sis is angry at us."

"She can't forgive us?" I mumble as I look in the direction daddy went.

Mom shakes her head. "I'm afraid not. But it's okay. You know why?"

When I don't answer, she kisses my forehead. "Because if we both didn't make the mistake, we wouldn't have you. And I won't change that for the world."

"D-does she hate me, Mommy?" I ask as my voice breaks.

"Of course not, Emy," she smiles. "No one can ever hate you. She's cross at Mommy and Daddy but you? She'll always be there for you. Just see."

"I'll be there for her too." I grin making her chuckle.

"I know you will. Now come, we have to leave." She takes my hand but I refuse her. "I can't. I have to be there for her."

Mom nods her head and smiles to herself before I go inside her room.

Sasha's sitting on the floor, holding her head in her hands that are shaking.

"Hello, I'm Emily." I smile at her when she looks at me.

"Why are you here?" she asks coldly as she stares at me with cold eyes.

Instead of being afraid of her, I step closer to her.

"I'm here because you're my gift." I shrug when she looks at me bemused.

She snorts and rolls her eyes on hearing my statement. "Get-"

I cut her off by spreading my arms around her. Her body continues to tremble but I don't let go of her.

"What are you doing?" she asks with a cold voice.

"Hugging you."

"And why are you doing this?" I hear the annoyance in her voice and I suppress my smile.


"You're my sister and I love you."