Ayan's POV (Chapter 35: Day 8 (I))

"I want the curl of my lips to be the smile on yours."


"Let's play Never Have I Ever," Zubair cheers, and Naira shushes him with her hand, stroking Tara's hair who has fallen asleep on her lap.

He smiles apologetically, and everyone gets up to refill their drinks. My gaze wanders to Naira, who is still shocked from yesterday and refuses to leave Tara out of her sight. After Tara came back home, we all unanimously agreed to stay inside with her so that she doesn't suffer any more harm.

I approach Naira and take Tara in my arms, nestling her closer to me. She stirs and mumbles something inaudible, making me rock her gently, lulling her back to sleep. 

"I'll put her to bed," I whisper softly as Naira reluctantly nods her head.

I abruptly pause, right in front of the entrance to the room, before turning around and giving her a pointed stare. "Do not get drunk this time."

She looks away embarrassed, her cheeks reddening, and she mumbles sheepishly, "Wouldn't dream of it."

After putting Tara to bed, I head back downstairs, grab a can of beer from the kitchen, and plop down on the floor next to Rudy - the only space left unoccupied was the floor. Naira is seated beside Emily and Cole on the sofa while Zubair and Sasha sit on the only two chairs in the room.

"I'll start easy, never have I ever been drunk," Rudy says, passing Naira a cheeky grin, making her roll her eyes as she takes a sip of her soda while the rest of us gulp down our drinks.

"Never have I ever peed in a swimming pool."

We all groan and wrinkle our noses when Rudy takes a sip.

"What? You can't help it," he mutters, "and all of you are lying. I know you all must have done it too. You're just ashamed to admit it now."

"Ugh, no," Zubair says with distaste. We all mutter a collective 'yeah' to that.

"Never have I ever had sex," Naira shrugs as everyone except her and Rudy take a sip.

"Really... you haven't?" Naira asks Rudy, startled. I'm not surprised; he has always asserted that he wants to wait until he is in love.

"You haven't either," he says as a blush spreads across his cheeks.

I blurt out, "She wants to wait for the right one."

She has never even been on a real date, so it isn't shocking that she'll give away her virginity to just anyone... She's one of the girls who you have to be worthy of. You've got to deserve her, or else you'd just ruin it all, and I'm afraid that I-

I'm snapped out of my train of thoughts when Rudy says, "So do I."

"That's sweet, you guys," Emily smiles at us as Cole pulls her closer to him, kissing her forehead lovingly.

I scoff mentally. Just get a room!

My gaze settles on Naira, and I can't help but say, "Yeah, it is. I wish I had waited too."

She makes me want to wish I had waited. I still remember the girl who took my virginity; it wasn't that bad I guess. I had turned 15 while she was a little older and didn't seem to mind my inexperience. After that, we never spoke, and I moved from there to Delhi. I wonder if she's still here.

"Never have I ever slept with a prostitute."

I take a sip guiltily as Naira looks away, refusing to meet my eyes. Zubair and Sasha take a sip as well, and I pat Rudy's back comfortingly when he pouts.

"Never have I ever wanted to kiss someone in this room," Zubair smirks, his eyes glinting with mischief.

All of a sudden, there's a thick tension in the room as I make eye contact with Naira and take a sip. She hastily gets up and avoids my gaze, "Uh, I have to go. I have a stomach ache."

I frown, watching her retreating back before Emily groans, yelling, "Follow her you dum dum."

"But... but she said... I mean-"

"Just go!"

"Oh okay," I mutter, getting up and following after her. I see her heading towards the main door, and catch her wrist, turning her around to look at me.

"Are you not feeling well?" my voice comes out concerned.

"I'm fine," she mumbles and steps away.

She doesn't look fine to me. And I'm not going to be fooled, one thing I've learnt from my past relationships is that when a girl says she's fine, she definitely isn't. Trust me, I know.

"But you said..." I shake my head at her, and ask her warily, "Is this about the game?"

She takes a moment before unwillingly nodding her head, and whispering softly, "Why me?"

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Why me?" she repeats herself, a little louder this time.

Various emotions pass through her eyes as she appears to think about something. She bites her lip, not saying anything further.

"Isn't it obvious?" I hesitate, running my hand in my hair exasperated.

When she shakes her head, I draw out a sigh, "Why ask questions you don't wanna know the answers to?

"Isn't that what you do? Run away from any feeling... anyone you're not familiar with. Am I right or am I right?" 

Knowing fully well that I'm right, I watch as she scoffs, giving me a look that promises death. "Fuck you, Ayan."

I chuckle, grinning smugly, my eyes twinkling mischievously, "Please do, Naira."

Her face goes hot red, and she opens her mouth like a fish, only to close it again, left completely speechless.

"Aww, you're so cute," I say, pulling her adorable cheeks, and pinching them. I stop myself from caressing her face. How can someone's face be that soft?

She smacks my hand, pushing me away, and walks out of the door.

"Where are you going?" I yell after her.

"Away from you," she shouts before turning around and giving me a threatening stare, "Don't you dare follow me."

I raise my hand up in the air and shake my head, my lips curling into a bright smile at how adorable she looks when she's trying to terrify me.

I give her a true smile - a big smile. One filled with respect, admiration, and possibly... love.

If only she would see that.

If only she would let me make her happy.