Day 8 (I)

"I want the curl of my lips to be the smile on yours."


"Let's play Never Have I Ever!" Zubair cheers and I shush him with my hand, stroking Tara's hair who has fallen asleep on my lap.

He smiles apologetically and everyone goes to refill their drinks. Ayan approaches me and takes Tara in his arms, nestling her closer to him. She mumbles something inaudible and he rocks her gently.

"I'll put her to bed," he whispers before turning around and giving me a pointed stare. "Do not get drunk this time."

I look away embarrassed and mumble sheepishly, "Wouldn't dream of it."

I head to the kitchen and my eyes scan the selection of drinks laid out on the kitchen counter. Rudy passes me a bottle of orange-flavoured vodka.

I raise my eyebrow as I glare at him. "I'll rather die than take a drink from you."

"Suit yourself," he shrugs, giving me a lopsided smile.

I grab a can of soda and head to the living room, sitting on the sofa. Emily and Cole sit next to me while Zubair and Sasha sit on chairs.

Ayan sits next to Rudy, the only space left is on the floor.

"I'll start easy, never have I ever been drunk," Rudy says, passing me a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes as I take a sip while others take a big gulp, the vodka burning their throats a little.

"Never have I ever peed in a swimming pool." We all groan and wrinkle our noses when Rudy takes a sip.

"What? You can't help it," he mutters, "and all of you are lying. I know you all must have done it too. You're just ashamed to admit it now."

"Ugh, no," Zubair says with distaste. We all mutter a collective 'yeah' to that.

"Never have I ever had sex." I shrug as everyone except Rudy and I takes a sip of their drinks.

"Really... you haven't?" I ask Rudy, startled. "You haven't either," he says as a blush spreads across his cheeks.

Before I can say anything, Ayan speaks, "She wants to wait for the right one."

Surprised, I nod my head and Rudy gives me a half shrug, "So do I."

"That's sweet, you guys." Emily smiles at us while Cole pulls her closer to him.

"Yeah, it is. I wish I had waited too," Ayan says as he gazes at me. I return his gaze, my mind a jumble of thoughts.

"Never have I ever slept with a prostitute."

I look away when an unfamiliar feeling twists my insides on seeing Ayan drink again. My eyes skitter around the room, to see who else is drinking. Zubair and Sasha take a sip and Rudy pouts when I glance at him.

"Never have I ever wanted to kiss someone in this room," Zubair smirks, his eyes glinting with mischief.

I hastily get up when Ayan makes eye contact with me and takes a sip. "Uh, I have to go. I have a stomach ache."

I hear Emily yell, "Follow her you dum dum" before he catches my wrist and turns me around to look at him.

"Are you not feeling well?" he asks with concern.

"I'm fine," I mumble as I step away.

"But you said..." He shakes his head at me. "Is this about the game?"

I reluctantly nod my head and whisper softly, "Why me?"

"What?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why me?" I repeat myself, a little louder this time.

You clearly have a rich past... have a lot of girls... have slept with a fair share of women... while I... what's special about me? you can want anyone... why are you interested in me? Why me?

I bite my lip to stop myself from saying all that out loud. He doesn't need to know my insecurities. Guys aren't worth it.

"Isn't it obvious?" he hesitates, running a hand in his hair exasperated.

I shake my head and he draws out a sigh, "Why ask questions you don't wanna know the answers to?

"Isn't that what you do? Run away from any feeling... anyone you're not familiar with. Am I right or am I right?"

I glare at him, annoyed at how well he reads me. "Fuck you, Ayan."

He chuckles and gives me a smug grin, his eyes twinkling. "Please do, Naira."

My face goes hot red and I open my mouth, only to close it again, at a loss of words.

"Aww, you're so cute." He pulls my cheeks, pinching them.

I push him away and walk out of the main door. "Where are you going?" he yells after me.

"Away from you," I shout before turning around and giving him a threatening stare, "Don't you dare follow me."

He raises his hand up in the air and shakes his head, his lips curling into a bright smile.

I trudge along the pavement at a wild pace, trying to focus on my footsteps that seem to echo through the desolate street instead of those dark brown eyes I've grown used to looking at whole day.

And especially that smile, that warm smile, always at my expense.

I shake my head to get rid of Ayan's thoughts. How I went from always bickering with him to somehow finding comfort in him is a mystery.

He's just a friend. No... an acquaintance. If I ignore him, I'll never catch feelings. I can do that. Pfft.

It isn't difficult to ignore anyone, is it?

GOD. I need to start maintaining distance from him before I catch feelings... before he gets a chance... the power to hurt me.

Don't get attached, don't get attached, don't get attached, I scream in my head and shut my eyes tightly, groaning.

I snap out of my thoughts when someone pats my shoulder. Before I can turn around, rough arms grab me from behind and cover my face making me unable to see who it is. My phone slips from my hand and falls on the pavement.

"Wot tha ffuc-" my muffled voice trails off when I feel something smash against my head and I blacken out, drifting into darkness.