Day 8 (II)

"My Violet ♡"


My eyes flutter open and I swallow, licking my dry lips. There's a throbbing pain in the side of my head and I remember something smashing my head.

When I try to move, I realise that all of my movements are constricted. My arms and legs are tied behind my back.

Slowly, I scan my surroundings, feeling nauseous as stale air hits me which smells of sewage. I've been dumped on a cold concrete floor with no one around. My wide eyes explore my surroundings, taking in everything. From the grey concrete walls and floors and the high metal corrugated ceilings, I guess that this is an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

I crane my neck for a window but suck in a breath when I find that there's none. The only source of light is an old fashioned bulb on a bare white wire, and its switch is nowhere to be seen.

I shriek when a mouse goes past me, squeaking audibly. A shudder runs down my spine, and it takes all of the self-control I have to not puke on the spot.

A blinding ray of light floods into my vision, and I squint my eyes to see a man walking towards me, his muscles flexing as he moves.

"I see you're finally awake."

He lifts his head and his dark eyes meet mine. I gasp at his familiar features... I have seen him before but where?

His face has high cheekbones and a sleek jawline. A jawline so sharp it could cut diamonds in half. He has tanned skin and the same dark brown eyes as Ayan's. I make out the bottom of a tattoo on his bicep.

It's a name... I spot the letter A. I narrow my eyes to get a clearer view.

Noticing my stare, he raises an eyebrow and rolls down his sleeves.

"Have we met before?" I blurt out.

If he does recognise me, he doesn't show it. His face is devoid of emotions and I gulp when his cold stare settles on my face, drilling holes into my face.

I hear the loud thumping of shoes against the ground first before I'm glaring at my kidnapper's face... the masked man. A hood covers his face, making it practically difficult to guess anything about his appearance. He's wearing the beast's mask which covers his entire face, revealing only his eyes.

"Where's the beauty?" I snort. The tattooed man from earlier coughs, covering his laughter before resorting to his usual cold face.

The arsehole ignores my jibe and stops in front of me, his expression void and empty.

"You're awake," he states, his voice a deep rumble.

"Yes, genius." I roll my eyes. "So I've heard."

He watches me with that same empty, cold eyes. He blinks at me once.

"Are you so ugly that you need a mask to hide your face?"

"You've got some nerve, talking to me like that. Maybe I should cut off that sharp tongue of yours."

The hair on my back stand as a chill passes through me. The fear subsides when I remember Tara's face and is soon replaced by hot anger.

He bends down in front of me and sits forward. He places his arm on his thighs and crouches in front of me, never breaking eye contact.

"And you've got a tiny," I pause, tilting my head towards the bulge in his pants, "maybe I should chop your balls off?"

I smile sweetly at him. I hear a chuckle and he glares at the other man, immediately shutting him up.

His hand grabs my chin roughly and he mutters angrily, "In case you haven't guessed it by now, you're kidnapped. Kidnapped. You're at my mercy, one wrong word and you'll be lying on the floor in your own blood. Don't make me do this the hard way."

"You fucking ba-"

My words get cut off when his hand cracks across my face, causing my head to turn to the other side with the force of his blow. I feel a small cut forming below my eye where his ring has caught me.

"Your mother didn't teach you not to hit girls?" I ask, biting my lip so hard that it starts bleeding.

He runs his fingers on my lips and I grimace, shuddering in disgust.

"Don't ever comment about my mother. Do you understand?"

"Why?" I prod on, "Did I hit a sore spot?"

He brandishes a knife from his pocket and moves one step closer to me. My eyes widen as I try to back away but fail, restrained by being bound up. He holds the knife against my cheek, almost pressing into it.

"What happened? Cat got your tongue?" I can hear him grinning slyly.

I flinch and shut my eyes when he slashes my cheek, blood oozing out of it. He weighs the knife in his hand and sneers maniacally, "I could kill you, y'know?

"But don't worry, I won't. You're not the one I'm after," he pauses as he looks at me with a murderous glint in his eyes, "Doesn't mean I can't play with you though."

Before I can react, he stabs me in the arm, blood splattering on the floor. I let out a loud piercing scream as I feel the pain, and my breathing becomes heavier.

"This'll teach you to shut up."

He turns away, his back facing me as he removes his mask, dumps it on the floor and leaves the room before ordering, "Don't give this bitch food tonight."

"WHAT?" I bellow as the other man gives me a soft look. He sighs and bends down in front of me. He takes out a handkerchief from his pocket and wraps it tightly around my arm.

"That will restrict the blood flow for a while," he says with a deep voice.

I stare at him. "Why are you helping me?"

He unties my arms and I look at him in shock. "Don't try to run away. It won't get you anywhere."

He gets up and leaves the room, locking it behind him. I peer at his retreating back and I take the time to organise my thoughts.

He helped me. He had no reason to help me. There could be only one reason for him to help me.

I knew it.

He knows me.

If only he could help me in running away too...

Blood seeps through the cloth, and I clutch my arm tightly. I bite the inside of my cheek as tears trace down my cheek.

A sob breaks through my throat. I want to go home.