What Did You Do?

"Naira," he says, my name rolling off his lips as smooth as butter. "Mhmm," I immediately react; my body's addicted to the way he says my name. "Nothing," his lips curl up in a broad smile. "Just wanted to say your name; it's the sweetest name ever."


"What. The. Hell. Happened. Here?" I ask, emphasising each word.

"She-she," Ayan dissolves into a puddle of laughter, and I can see his stomach shaking as he tries to fight his tears. "She-" He goes, and doubles over again. Taking huge lumps of air, he stops wheezing, but when he glances at Tara again, he falls on the ground and writhes with laughter; in a state of hysterics.

I shake my head and sigh, diverting my attention to Tara, "What did you do?"

She's completely bathed in white: her hair is covered in flour, her red frock has huge white spots on it and even the floor is covered in flour.