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"Your love is the purest kind. It'll never betray me nor will it ever hurt me."


I make the short walk to Dunkin' Donuts, getting myself a box of assorted donuts for Tara. I look down into my purse for a moment, searching for my phone as I'm walking from the shop when I get shoved slightly.

"Shit," I hiss, staring down at my feet, where the donuts lie, all over the concrete. I let out a defeated sigh and bend down to pick up the donuts so that I can throw them in the dustbin but pause when I see a phone lying beside the box.

"Excuse me, wait!" I step forward, calling the man in a denim jacket and baseball cap, who had walked past me earlier, "You dropped your-"

I freeze mid-sentence when the man stops and turns around. My gaze catches the firm jawline and those familiar dark brown eyes, and suddenly I'm fuming. I can't see his eyes under the cap, but I know.