Our Babysitter Is Here

"She feels so much. Just doesn't know how to show it as others do, which is okay for me because I like her for who she is, not who she should be."


I look at her in horror, my mouth agape. There's no way I can handle both Ansh and Ayan in the same house. I'll go crazy...more than I already have.

"Mom, that's not a good idea. Why bother him?" I start. "He has a life too, you can't just ask him to leave that and take care of me- I mean, us."

"I thought about that at first too but all of my worries dissipated when Ayan assured me that it won't be a problem. In fact, he can't wait to spend time with Tara," she gives me a stare- the stare; the one where she scrutinises me and judges all of my actions, "What did you do to the poor guy? He wouldn't stop asking if you'll be okay with him staying with you. Said he was scared of you..."

So that's what he meant by very soon.