Bouquet Of Roses

"You make me smile even in times like this. What are you? An angel?"


Rudy looks up and is about to say something when a guy walks in the room.

"Hey, Sasha, happy birthday," he smiles at her and hands her a bouquet of roses.

"She's allergic to roses, take that away from her," Rudy yells just as Sasha sneezes, her nose slightly red.

"He's right - sneeze - I'm..." Sasha whimpers, "Allergic to - sneeze - them, throw them - sneeze - Mohan..."

"My name is Mohit," he says severely.

"I don't - sneeze - care!" she says indignantly, her nose runny. "Moha-achoo Mohit."

"Oh God, why are you so slow? I'll do it," Emily gets up but is held back when Rudy shakes his head very hard.

"No, you're pregnant, it's not good for the baby if you move around like this," he says, and Emily freezes, staring at him in confusion.