No Buts

"I remember how seeing you then would totally make me forget how bad my day was and just bring a smile on my face."


"Hey, hey, hey, where do you think you're going?" I call out to Ansh, who is trying to sneak out of the house, unnoticed.

I keep my used plate on the dining table and walk up to him, crossing my arms as I take in his appearance.

"And why are you all dressed up?" I remark. "Who are you meeting?" I scrutinize, narrowing my eyes at him.

"You know, the usual..." he trails off, running hands in his hair as he avoids looking at me. "And I'm dressed like how I always dress up. Why are you behaving so weirdly?"

"You're not; for starters you shaved," I point it out to him, gesturing at his jaw. "When was the last time you shaved?"