I Chose Them

"When you said that you didn't want me to leave and wanted me to stay with you, it was the best feeling ever."


I stare dumbfounded at the 'tattooed man', who is bent on his knees currently, mid-conversation with a smiling Kushagra. He is as happy as I've ever seen him and the fact that I know the truth behind his father makes my stomach clench in pain.

"That's the guy you called cute," Ayan whispers.

"Huh?" I say brusquely, having forgotten that I had been standing beside Ayan all this while. "Oh, yeah," I fake a smile. "Yeah, I called him cute..." I whisper, recalling the picture of Dane and Ayan I saw on Ayan's laptop. Looking at them now, I realise how time has passed and how they both have fallen apart. Can't blame Ayan for that one, though.

"Ayu!" Kushagra comes towards us while holding Dane's hand. When Dane glances at me, I notice his smile falter a bit before he covers it up with an even brighter smile aimed at me.