Hot Chocolate

"No, honey. You don't make the rules," I shake my head at him, gesturing towards myself. "I do."

"You do realise that just makes you hotter...?"

"I-" I look at him weirdly, trying to decipher the mystery that Ayan is. "Nevermind."


"W-what's there to talk about?" I ask shyly, willing my voice to be steady as I glance at my folded hands in the lap.

"There's actually a lot to talk about, sunflower," he says, his eyes on the road. His lips curl into a smile when he realises that I'm staring at him.

"So... why'd you do it?" he asks just as I lift my eyes away from his perfect face. I can hear the smirk in his voice. That smirk is mocking me!

"Because..." I answer honestly in a thin voice, "I wanted to?"

It comes out as a question, so I repeat myself, "I kissed your cheek because I felt like it. There's nothing more to it."