She Said Yes!

"Naira Kapoor-"

"What did I do wrong? I'm either your baby or sunflower," I pout. "Full name screams trouble, Ayan!"


"Emily, can I excuse Naira for a moment?" Ayan asks once I'm done making garlands with the marigolds that were divided and handed to me.

"Why are you asking her?" I hold up a hand. "Shouldn't you be asking me since I'm the concerned individual in question?"

Grinning, Zubair speaks up, "Where are your manners, Naira?"

"Right under your butt," I grunt under my breath but smile at him nonetheless.

"We're all guests, so we need Emily's permission before we stop helping her out and go wandering off for some romance on the sidelines," Zubair finishes, and Cole starts laughing loudly, patting Zubair on his back.

I glare at Zubair just as Ayan, who has a frustrated expression, says, "I'm gonna deal with you once you get in a serious relationship. I'm waiting for the day till you get committed."