Emergency Situation

"You know I'm vulnerable at night. Blame the moon, not the female!"


"Ayan," I call out to him, catching up to him as he unlocks the car. "What's this text?"

I read the text out to him as we all get inside the car. "There's a text from an unknown number asking us to meet at Starbucks near my school as they have something important to talk about," I frown, looking at the text warily, "and it is signed with 'love, mom'. Hm, Ayan?"

I turn sideways to look at him and watch as his hands tighten around the steering wheel. He relaxes his clenched jaw once he notices me staring at him.

"You don't have my mother's phone number saved?" he asks after a moment of silence.

"I think I did..." I say, trying to recall. I quickly go through my call logs and when I stumble upon 'Coolest mom ever', I show him the screen. Ayan shakes his head, smiling before looking at me with a serious expression mastered on his face.