Take Back Tara

"You make me strive to be a better person."


We've barely reached the end of the stairs when Tara pushes past us in a hurry.

I enter the room, followed by Ayan, stopping short when I notice the same woman from yesterday in my living room.

She's inside my house, in my living room. Does this woman have no concept of privacy?! I certainly don't remember giving her the address.

Before I can yell at her for entering my house without my permission, my eyes fall on Tara, who is hugging the woman tightly and whispering something inaudible.

I approach them and take Tara's hand, drifting her apart from the strange lady.

"What are you doing?!" I ask in a hushed whisper. "Why are you hugging someone you don't even know?!"

"Naira!" Tara frees her arm with a smile on her face. "That's my Mommy!!! I told you, I saw her yesterday!!"
