Promise Ring

"To have a person that's yours for the time to come is something so special. Thank you for giving me that."


"Aww, come on, trashc-" Ansh corrects himself when I glare at him. "Come on, Naira. That wasn't so bad. Stop being so grumpy!"

"Wasn't so bad?!" I ask with horror. "I almost shit my pants!"

"You did? Where?!" His eyes assess me, and I make a disgusted face at him. "Aww, man, I missed it. It must have dried by now. Only if I could have filmed it..."

"What the fuck?" I yell, my hand pausing on the door in front of my house. "You're so fucking gross, Ansh! It was just a figure of speech! I didn't actually shit my pants. I'm going to complain to mom about this."

"You wouldn't," he gasps, placing his hands over his mouth.

"Yes, I would!" I roll my eyes and go inside the house before shouting, "Mom! Mom!"

"Shut up, Naira," Ansh hisses as mom comes down from upstairs.