CLXXIII. One Missing Fragment.

"Really?" Q said with frustration, getting closer to Vanilla. "Are you sure about it?"

"As sure as my name is Vanilla Land. The key I've managed to assemble is just a medallion that seems to fit on this pedestal but look at the shape of its margins. It looks more like a gear, and it spreads down into some smaller hole as well. Some conical beam and a margin must be missing. If I try the medallion it will just fall flat to the ground.."

"Damn," Lancelot cursed with disappointment. "So, this chamber is as useful as a brick if it can't be opened. Right?"

"That's right," Vanilla responded. "It won't open unless we complete the key." 

Q did something; she drew out her crossbow and shot the circular, towering door. Blue sparks shined around it. It was protected by a magical barrier. The arrow bounced and hit the ground instead of getting nailed to the engravings. 

"Hey," Lancelot jumped on himself. "What the heck was that for?"