Altered Beast IV

"So she was killed by a sniper?" Yua asks Seth.

"Yes," Seth pauses, scanning the room. "I want to ally myself with all of you. Help you get this ебарь off your back." (ебарь means cunt-chaser in Russian.) "Our reasoning for wanting to ally with you all is for one reason and one reason only. We want to do a clean sweep against all of those who want me and my buddy Nixon dead."

"What do you mean by that?" Logan cuts in.

"Before I tell you more, there is someone very dangerous coming to the hotel and is after almost everyone's head. The only ones I know for sure aren't being hunted is," Seth points at them.

"Wait, so that means..."

"Nixon and I are being hunted by multiple people, either to capture us or kill us. Escravos is here to kill us, and someone named the Balrog is here for the same reason, the government is here to capture us and or take what we have from us."

"Wait! The government!?" Svilanka yells, startled by what he said and sort of doubtful.

Seth puts his index finger to his lips and 'shushes' them. "I know right~!?" Seth looks ecstatic. "Sounds like fun doesn't it? So what's going to happen is, we're gonna do a clean sweep."

"We'll be partaking in it? Also, what is 'balrog'?" Michael questions.

"Balrog is an extremely dangerous person. It's really hard to describe what he is as a person. He isn't apart of any organization, he just kills! He doesn't even let you know, but... you always know when he's coming. Its never just some normal people either. They're either people of power or criminals. Not like he kills them for the reasons you think anyway."

"Wait! You act like he's fucking supernatural or something. He doesn't let you know, but you always know when you're gonna be killed by him?"

"That's not entirely accurate because we didn't know we were being hunted by him until a month ago in Mexico. We managed to survive and that's the only way we figured it out but other people are different," Seth pauses, thinking of what he'll say next. "Imagine it like this." He puts both hands out. "Humans often have irrational fears and are often carried by instinct alone. This man plays with your instincts. You might not even know who or what he is but he'll come, and you'll know from pure instincts alone. Y'see, humans naturally fear death, or they will try to avoid dying as much as possible. This instinct goes fucking mad and kicks everything into high gear. I don't know exactly what causes it but just think of him as primal fear incarnate."

"So you're saying 'that' is coming here?"

"Yes, and I can name everyone here that he'll try and kill. Me, Nixon, the boss, his men, including the staff of the hotel and the Brazilian woman in 102."

"Jesus Christ, this is stupid." Michael is tempted to storm out of the room. "Your spouting some stupid shit. How do you even know all this!?"

"It doesn't matter how I know about any of it. Our job is to make sure that the boss of this place is dead for good. That Balrog sure as hell won't be able to finish him off."

"Wait what!?"

"What does the boss of the place have anything to do with this?" Yua cuts in.

"He's El Presidente, also known as Um, the one who controls. Nixon and I will kill him and you will all deal with his men. The staff will not interrupt us so you don't have to worry about them."


"Your talking bullshit!" Michael screams. "None of what your saying makes sense to me!"

"We live in a fucked up world that you all don't know a single thing about. Let's have fun."


Three knocks on the boss's office door.


Three shots. The boss didn't even get to see who killed him. Seth shot him three times. Once in the head, once in the neck, and once in the boss's collar bone. The biker woman swings a machete at Seth's head. The boss knew something was going to happen, so he prepared the woman to be near the door.

They'd be too distracted killing him and preparing to run so they wouldn't notice her. But Seth is different. It didn't make sense for him not to have noticed her. Because Seth's eyes are closed most of the time, he likes to focus on his other senses. No, this woman didn't make a single sound.

Seth drops to the floor, firing at the woman above him who jumps back to avoid the bullets, one of them scraping against her helmet.

Seth had run out of ammo.

Throwing his gun away, he transitioned into a kick. The woman tries slicing his leg but Seth quickly feints, getting back up and slamming his foot into her knee, taking her arm and disarming her by breaking her arm.

Seth takes the machete and tries cutting down the biker girl. Seth stops himself, quickly rolling forward to see an axe pass by his head. Manuel leaves the axe in the wall and takes out a gun.

Seth chucks the machete at Manuel, forcing him to dodge.

Seth runs at him, sliding and kicking him in the knee. Manuel goes to shoot Seth who grabs his hand and throws him over his shoulder, taking Manuel's gun from him.

Manuel curses, he's been winded, left stunned on the hardwood flooring below him. Seth spins around and opens fire at nothing outside the office.

"Fucking, give me a break."

Behind the corner was Balrog.

Outside the office, after Seth's fight between Manuel and the biker girl, Balrog stands. Leaning against the corner, waiting for his opportunity to open fire on Seth. Both of them listening to each other's movements.

If even one of them moves a muscle, the other will die.

"You shouldn't be paying attention to him just yet."

Balrog calmly adjusts himself, switching his gun's position to be pointed at Nixon, wearing his mask. Balrog almost fires upon Nixon but stops himself. "Not much of a talker are you?" Nixon comments.

Nixon chuckles. "What's stopping you?"

Balrog continues to not respond. Keeping his gun pointed at Nixon. "You didn't notice, did you? My mask, my clothes. Bulletproof."

Balrog quickly fires three rounds into Nixon's head. He falls back but quickly regaining his balance, but instead falling forward. Balrog jumps back quickly, Nixon breaking his mask charging forward and carrying what is left of his mask in his hand, blood coming down his face. Balrog fires at Nixon's legs who tanks it, bashing Balrog over the head with his mask.

"FUCKING MONSTER!" Nixon transitions into a right cross, socking Balrog in the face.

Nixon is right though. Balrog is a monster...

[The fight is continued in Life / Death.]