Life / Death

Nixon... he never managed to hit Balrog. His reactions were too fast and perfectly distributed the damage so he wouldn't get hurt. Nixon couldn't do anything but curse under his breath.


A gunshot through the wall, Balrog drops to the floor, firing back into the wall beside him. Another gunshot rings out from the other wall, dropping Balrog to the floor completely, unable to fire back, he puts pressure on his wounds.

"Finally found a fucking fault."

Both Seth and Johan from room 104, both on behind both sides of the hallway's walls. Seth runs out of the room, firing the rest of the magazine into Balrog. "Where did the other shot come from?"

Nixon shrugs, kneeling down to Balrog, looking through things he had. "This was too easy..."

"Yeah, compared to last time it was too easy."


Nixon's eyes widen, he's realized something. He quickly turns around to tell Seth...

It was a realization that was almost too late. Seth narrowly dodges out of the way from a bullet that was going to fly into his head. The real Balrog. The man on the floor was just a decoy he specifically trained himself. The Balrog is always ready in every situation they say. "NIXON!" Seth screams.

Nixon goes to protect his head and Balrog fires into him, quickly switching to Seth who dashed into the office and is currently hiding behind the boss's desk.


Balrog quickly goes inside, Nixon is on death's bed, passed out on the floor. Balrog kills Manuel and the biker girl, continuing into the room to kill Seth.

Seth winces in pain to realize there's a bullet in his left shoulder.

Johan quickly charges through the hallway with a gun in hand, quickly pointing it at Balrog who quickly spins around and fires at Johan. They both miss.

"Looks like the legendary Balrog is still human too."

Johan Nostradamus, a hitman with over fifty-seven kills under his belt. Considered legendary within his community for his innate intellect and impossibly quick reaction times. His last name simply being a title given to him for his prowess in predicting others to an almost flawless degree. Throughout his time as a hitman though he has struggled to find anyone who could give him a challenge, which led him here today.

The most unpredictable man in the world. The Balrog, or just known as Balrog.

"Are you ready." They stand waiting for the first one to shoot. Balrog fires, dropping to the floor, Johan follows, lunging forwards and lowering himself to the ground, opening fire. Seth jumps out from cover to avoid being hit behind the desk and goes to stab Balrog in the neck.

Balrog rolls out of the way, avoid the shots and getting stabbed by Seth.

Seth quickly chucks his knife at Balrog, who quickly dodges, and trying to sprint out the door. Balrog shoots him, Johan reloads. Seth falls onto the ground, he was hit in the leg and Johan gets closer, so close in fact that they are only a couple of inches from each other.

Seth limps out of the office, taking Nixon and leaving.

Johan and Balrog stuck in a standoff. "You were actually in this place the whole time, weren't you? Waiting in room 101, preparing for this." Johan smiles. "Looks like it didn't go to plan."

Balrog doesn't respond, just the same blank expression.

"I wish you had something to say, it would help a lot."

"Where is Marshall Bishop?"

"Excuse me?" Johan's eyes widen, surprised by his question. "So you can talk."

"Where is Marshall Bishop?"

"Who is Marshall Bishop?"

Balrog stops for a moment, thinking about what he wants to say next. He sighs. "I thought that was him." Balrog points at the boss's body with his eyes and Johan quickly glances at it.

"The boss of this place?"

"Who knows..." Balrog pauses, "Where is Marshall Bishop?" He says it again but in a whisper.

"Is the reason you find people to kill because of this Marshall?"

"Yes... and no."

Balrog clamps onto his gun and Johan notices, quickly pushing his arm up to avoid getting shot and trying to shoot him with his free hand. Balrog flips out a small pistol in his waistband in his available and shoots Johan.

Johan winces in pain, Balrog tries shooting him in the head with the smaller gun. Johan kicks him in the knee, startling Balrog. Johan smiles, going into a Judo throw, grabbing Balrog by the collar and slamming into the boss's desk.

The desk breaks under Balrog's weight. "So you can be surprised!" Johan falls onto his knees, firing at Balrog but missing his shot. "Shit..."

Balrog, tensed up his entire body to prevent himself from feeling pain.

Before Balrog could kill Johan though, the boss gets back up. Balrog rolls off the broken desk and gets back up, keeping his gun on the boss. Johan looks like he's about to vomit.

The boss is humming. No, rather... El Presidente, also known as Curico or Um... he has many names.

We will be calling him Curico from now on, meaning black waters. "So the Balrog really does exist." Curico comments, adjusting his suit, and trying to smudge off the blood currently on him. "Lucky me, this body doesn't die until," Curico pauses, flicking out a watch on his wrist. "Two more minutes. That young effeminate boy was a bit clumsy wasn't he?"

"What the fuck?"

Curico looks at Johan, kneeling down to him. "Could you become mine?"

"Fuck yo-" Johan collapses before he could finish what he was going to say. Balrog stands.

"Are you Marshall Bishop?"

The clock ticks, silence hits. Curico looks at Balrog, taking off the bandages covering his face. "Close..." Curico smiles at him coyly. His face is young with light brown eyes and blonde hair with a bullet hole in his forehead.

Balrog barely knows how to act. "So you know Marshall?"

Curico doesn't respond, he just... dies. Collapsing onto the floor near Johan. Balrog leaves with a dissatisfied look on his face. Abandoning the warzone behind him and leaving the hotel.

Injured: Seth Alpheus Hunt, Nixon Driver, and Johan Nostradamus.

Deceased: Melissa Ambrosia, Piana Darus, Manuel Romero, Paul Coxton, and Vincent Monroe.

Missing: Michael Vas, Yua Arai.

"The game will begin at a later date."