Some Context

"I will now tell you everything that you need to know." Three people are gathering in this room, a glass wall separating them from the rest of an office filled with people. A woman and a man sitting in front of another man's desk. This man is a famous detective by the name of Vanity Brown. A title that he gave himself to make himself seem like a crazy person to most, helped him not be noticed by unwanted people. A man who has been following the entire situation between everyone in the hotel since he was nineteen years old.

This man and woman sitting in front of him are the people who interviewed both Nixon and Seth, including multiple people who were still in the hotel at the time. Their names are, Lory Fasbender and Kirk Bradley.

"Are you ready? This is gonna take a while."

"It's fine," Lory says, preparing a cigarette.

"Alright then, let's go." Vanity adjusts his collar. "The date in which both Seth Alpheus Hunt and Nixon Driver were born is unknown. It is confirmed that they are around the same age but their appearances and records go as far back as World War I. They've both been in every war possible, there was a difference though between when they were apart of their first war and the others after it. They did not participate in the wars after WWI voluntarily."

"That means they're way older than they look?"

"It seems that way. Let's move on from them and go into the possible reason why they're running away or even dedicated enough to say what they did in their interviews with you two. Mostly referring to Nixon on this one though since Seth just rambled throughout his interview mostly. It's also the same reason why I managed to get involved with them."

"It's the book that Nixon mentioned right? The one with the map?"

"Yes. That was a map created by the late Erik the Red, father of Leif Erikson. He kept this map a secret from everyone, including his son. The map is generally unintelligible but is said to lead to what Erik referred to it as, 'the end of the world.' Rumors started flying about and the situation became more and more bloated as it continued to surface throughout history, most communities being generally quiet about it. Then one rumor came to flourish, this place, this 'end of the world' can give one immortality.

Of course, most people thought of it as bullshit but then whole communities of people started making crazy-ass cults or just straight-up wanted to see if it was true or not, even if they had to kill someone to get it. Because if it was true, it'd be worth it, and if it wasn't, they'd still get something out of it but it starts with self-satisfaction and ends with it too.

There is still a bunch more context to why people wanted this book but I don't know enough to tell you that. Though, I do remember one thing, the one thing in 1920 that solidified its existence for a lot of people. One person who managed to find the map came back. It was a test, they tested if it was true by sailing out to where the map led them.

This man's name is Gregory Walsh. A UK navigator and journalist. He found out how much of a rabbit hole this thing was and decided to go and try to find wherever it was by himself and a couple of guards. On the sail there, one of the guards tried killing him, so they filled him with holes. The guard was of course someone who wanted whatever the island had to himself.

After this, after he returned, nobody was able to get an answer out of him and the book was missing, including the only guard that was there to genuinely protect him, rather than being a greedy asshole.

He was traumatized by something, frequently slurring his speech and spouting riddles like a madman. This was enough confirmation for a lot of people that what the book showed was truth, so a bunch of people went to look for it. Then one day it landed in the hands of a young boy by the name of Seth Alpheus Hunt.

I say young boy but he was technically an adult... I guess this is the best time to tell you how I got involved then.

My Grandmother was apart of their crew, Seth and Nixon's. Her name was Hunter Yorickson, she was born in Iceland but was forced to move to America due to reasons she didn't state. She got into the war acting like a man and was then found by Nixon.

These two were led to find out about this book and what It had inside of it, and Nixon bit because of pure curiosity. He had nothing better to do after all, especially after the war. First, the book was being sold at a pawn shop surprisingly enough. A man realized what was inside of it but didn't have enough money to buy it so they left to get some. Seth came in and took it for himself without knowing what was inside and Nixon and my Grandmother were tipped off to it.

This is how Nixon and Seth met, on a snowy day in Washington. Many years later, I was told about this by my Grandmother. She told me all that she knew.

They were chased down and almost killed frequently. They could never let their guards down, then she got pregnant, Seth was the father, making my mother the child of both Seth and my Grandmother." Vanity pauses, taking out a cigar and lighting it, taking a few puffs off of it.

"Your mother..."

"Yes, Seth would technically be my Grandfather. Judging by how they look now, I'm sure you understand that their journey was most likely successful. But my Grandmother didn't get to see it in the end. Seth and Nixon left my Grandmother in a nice town near Florida and that's where most of me and my own mother's lives take place. They said that they were evidence that what the book had in it was their own existence... they're right."

"So you are directly related by blood...?"

"Yes, but I'm not the only one related to them by blood. Though my mother was Seth's only child and Nixon had no children, the Hunt family's line is quite large. Way larger than Seth made it out to be right? Simply put, Seth has lied to you. I know who Seth really was. How he became who he is and who his family really is. How large it really is." Vanity sighs. "Can't believe that I'm apart of this fucking rabbit hole of garbage."

End of Event One...