Jesus Saves

Nixon, covered in his own blood, Seth over him in their room, trying to fix his wounds. Taking out the bullets through cutting open a bigger hole and using pliers to take the bullets out.

Nixon screams in pain with each pull, blood pouring over Seth's hands.


Seth sloppily pours alcohol over Nixon's wound, pouring another layer of peroxide over it. Nixon thrashes about wildly, kicking Seth in the process. Seth grits his teeth, holding the pain of being hit in, trying his best to hold Nixon down.

"STAY STILL!" Seth gives a good sock in the jaw to Nixon, knocking him out instantly.

Seth sits in silence for a couple of seconds, trying to catch his breath. "Now I have to sew his fucking wounds..."

Someone knocks on their door, coming in without hesitation since the door was unlocked.

Eremita comes in, "Do you need my help?"

Seth calmly turns around. "What?"

"I'm tired of the screaming and you guys could help me when I really need it so I'm offering you my help. Do you not want it?"

"It would be greatly appreciated."


The first conflict in the labyrinth.

Two lanky men equipped with a bat and a knife. Yua and Logan breathe a sigh of relief.

Andreas quickly sprints to the men, grappling one by the legs and slamming to the ground as hard as he could, the knife in their hands skidding across the floor as the man gasps for air. Andreas turns around and gives a right overhand hook over to the man next to him who tries hitting Andreas with his bat but, Andreas is too quick. Slamming his fist in the other man's face, who collides against the wall. Blood trickles off of Andreas's hand, Andreas had quickly taken out both men with ease. Breaking one's nose and sending one into a temporary shock.

Of course, the man he slammed to the ground would get up sooner or later, so Andreas mounted himself on the man and started pummeling him. Making sure he goes completely limp, blood being sprayed across the walls. In three hits while being mounted, he has temporarily crippled a man.

Andreas gets up and looks back, seeing the surprise on both Yua and Logan's faces.

Yes, this man is truly an oddity as a fighter.

It's normal for him to be able to think fast, being able to quickly disarm those that are an immediate threat, but what makes him abnormal is the strength that comes from every movement he makes.

Normally punches reach around fifteen to thirty miles per hour. This would be standard to knock someone out, but this speed is not enough to completely shatter a part of someone's skull in a matter of seconds. The speed at which he punched was unprecedented, quickly being able to shatter the bone in the men's faces he encountered. Andreas has reached a punching speed of fifty-six miles per hour.

On top of his immaculate punching speed, his fists were finely trained to be as durable as possible. His fists being comparable to a freshly polished diamond.

Kicking speeds that are comparable to a horse, being able to send about 1,678 pounds of force to anyone who tries to go against his kicks.

The type of training this man would have to go through would be the most extreme. Like he was born to become the strongest.

The second conflict in the labyrinth.

An MMA fighter and a man with a sword. The MMA fighter was taller, bigger, much more built compared to Andreas. So, Andreas waited.

The MMA fighter became furious, impatient since they wouldn't come to him. The MMA fighter sprinted to Andreas, cranking himself back for a large punch, but is stopped by a sharp pain in his solar plexus. Dropping the fighter to the ground, letting him grasp his stomach in pain.

Andreas moved on to the man with the sword. Taking a window stance, read to cleave Andreas in two.

The man with the sword made the first move, attempting to cleave through Andreas's collarbone... but he missed. Andreas moves out of the way, kicking at the blade as it passed, breaking it. The man was stunned by Andreas's action, who quickly pummeled the man shortly after.

The move that was used on the MMA fighter is a move in capoeira called, Bencao, meaning blessing. A front kick move, slightly extending his reach with the move by using the ends of his toes.

After the swordfighter tried cutting through Andreas but missed, Andreas quickly saw an opportunity to break it. The man that was hired was not a professional with the sword so the angle in which he cut made the sword unstable, which Andreas saw.

Andreas then moved in close towards the swordfighter, taking the hand carrying the broken sword and putting it over his shoulder. After putting his arm over his shoulder, Andreas puts his back against the swordfighter, using his weight and twisting himself downward to bring the swordfighter into the air. In one movement, throwing him into the ground, twisting his arm and taking his broken sword from him. Andreas does not use this sword, throwing it to the side and instead crouches over the swordfighter. Two hits, the swordfighter was knocked out and reduced to a bloody pulp.

Known as the Bull, or the Ox-King... this is Andreas.