Human Kittens

Let's go back nineteen years.

In Italy, July 1st, 1979.

Andreas Valerius Hunt was born. At around five years old, his parents figured out that he was prone to fighting, frequently trying to prove himself to be the strongest kid within his primary school. He started school early so he was one of the youngest in his class, but that didn't stop him. Two years into primary school, he was expelled.

He got into another school, he was also almost expelled from this school as well but managed to make it into secondary school, where he spent most of his middle school life fighting and getting stronger.

Since his parents were tired of having to deal with the trouble he brought to them through constantly fighting with the students in the school, they decided to put him through a boxing program. In only a year, he was able to become the strongest in the gym.

Let's clarify. Andreas's strength never came from pure unadulterated strength alone. He was extremely intelligent and would know the exact moves and spots to attack when in a proper fight. This would be the reason why he would win so easily against people who were bigger than him when in a boxing match.

Slowly, he began to despise boxing. It became tedious to him and he wanted to do more than just sock people in the face or stomach.

So he thought to himself... is there another sport like this but is more similar to a real fight? Andreas knew how to fight and he knew that boxing barely helped with his overall skill so he decided to look elsewhere.

Andreas found out about kickboxing.

When he got tired of kickboxing, he moved onto another martial art, one after another until he went into his later teens.

At this point, Andreas didn't know how much a difference there was between those who were lightweight and those who were in heavyweight. Those who were larger and those who were smaller. He always thought that all you needed to do was be good at fighting and that was all, he even was able to prove it for himself until he fought against a 276-pound fighter named Isaac Rays.

Isaac was an American immigrant who decided to move to Italy to escape the Vietnam war some years back.

Andreas won, but this was the most damage he had ever taken in a fight before meeting Isaac.

Isaac could take more hits, and he could hit even harder. A musclebound freak of nature that could've easily decimated Andreas.

Andreas upped his training regiment, practiced dirtier tactics.

At sixteen years old, he hit a wall.

He had reached the limits of his strength, his martial arts ability. He needed to expand. He needed to go somewhere else.

After learning multiple languages, he traveled across the world to learn more martial arts. He encountered four martial arts that changed his life. Thailand: Muay Thai & Muay Boran, Brazil: Capoeira & Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Russia: Systema & Sambo, China: Kung Fu.

He had already experienced hints of these martial arts in Italy but he experienced them full force when traveling to each of these countries. Then, he took advice from Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee knew that traditional martial arts were ineffective in real combat so he created Jeet Kune Do, which was Bruce Lee's own Mixed Martial Art. And since Mixed Martial Arts was getting popular at the time, Andreas decided to take all of it to heart. If focusing on one of these arts is ineffective then he might as well use all of them.

At eighteen years old, Andreas had completely dominated the Vale Tudo scene. At nineteen, Andreas had perfected himself and had become a human monster.

1998, 5 hours before Yua and Logan got kidnapped.

Andreas, to test his strength had invested himself into military combat.

Andreas's morals when going into combat were simple. Do not bring weapons and only use the weapons or objects set about on the battlefield. If whatever you used runs out of its use, throw it away and move on.

In Brazil, within a compound the Escravos owned.

Two minuted after arriving, two guards were at the door of the compound. Andreas sprinted towards them and jumped into the air. Using the wall behind the guards, he stomped one of their heads in, creating a massive crack in the wall, blood from the back of the guard's head coming off of it. The other guard quickly goes to try and shoot Andreas.

Andreas had already taken the other guard's gun after falling to the ground with him, firing at the other guard's leg and curb-stomping them. Two have died within five minutes of Andreas arriving at the compound.

Six minutes, Andreas opened the door to the compound, a guard was prepared with a gun inside since he heard something. Andreas ducked at an extremely low height to avoid being detected by the guard.

The guard was confused that nothing came through the door.

Andreas had used tunnel vision against the guard, using the guard's own knife to kill him. Andreas moved through the compound some more.

Seven minutes, Andreas slides over a counter, kicking the man behind it in the throat to prevent him from taking out a gun. Andreas steals his gun and fires at one of the men coming from the corner of the room who came because they heard gunshots and the sounds of people screaming and struggling. Five had been killed after seven minutes of Andreas entering their compound.

Eight minutes, Andreas tried going down a hallway leading further into the compound but is interrupted by three men holding assault rifles. Andreas jumps out one of the hallway windows and crouches just below the seal. They look out the window, trying to fire directly below but he quickly grabs one of their arms and chucks them out. Taking their gun and giving him the opportunity to fire back. Two men were killed and one was still alive. Andreas throws the weapon away and finishes him off.

He continues through the compound.

Ten minutes, in the living room of the compound, two of Curico's men sprint into the room. Andreas slides across the floor, slamming his foot into the guard closest to him, grabbing their weapon, disarming them, and firing at the other guard. The guard he kicked in the leg falls to the ground and quickly tries to grab for their weapon, attempting to stab Andreas.

Andreas fires upon this guard as well.

This continues for four more minutes. He had destroyed an entire compound full of men with weapons in fourteen minutes without anything on him. Using only the weapons of his enemies.

The Ox-King waited at this compound. Intent that reinforcements were coming.

From then on, he doesn't remember what happened.