Cold Hearted Town, Pt. 2

The sound of gunshots coming from outside the small town hospital Tsuki is in, sitting near Vincent while staring directly into the doctor's eyes, hand on the hilt of his blade, doctor's hand over the grip of his revolver, Vincent laying quietly between them. In but a moment, Tsuki's katana, in one quick movement, takes off the doctor's arm before being able to take out his gun. The sound of steel cutting through flesh and bone with the subsequent screams puts Tsuki off, but he quickly steels himself, getting out from his chair as he watches the doctor writhe on the floor in pain, clutching at his missing arm.

Tsuki takes a deep breath crossing over to the door of the room their in and lowers himself, blade at his side, ready to slice through muscle fibers and tendons. Tsuki shifts his free hand over to the gun on his head, gripping it and pulling the hammer back.

The door is kicked open, flying into the wall and causing a dent in it. Two men sprint through the door, guns in hand, fully expecting that whoever they were looking for would be right in front of them - One of the men, walking in front of the other, comes in with a Winchester, keeping the sights of the Winchester close to their face, the one following behind him holding a revolver in each hand. Tsuki - One hand with a revolver, other with a katana in hand, kills the man with the revolvers by firing into his head, using the katana to cut both arms off of the man with the Winchester.

Tsuki, panting and in a panic, watches as one man presses both of their arms to their chest, screaming in pain, barely able to breathe due to the pain, while the other one drops to the floor dead, blood running down their forehead.

A loud gulp comes from Tsuki's throat, pausing to gain his composure once again. Tsuki blows air out of his nose, examining the room, "Looks like I won't find answers here..." He sighs, looking at the knocked out Vincent laying flat on a bed, "Should I leave him? We were planning on leaving him in a hospital anyway..." Tsuki presses his lips together, staring at a wall while considering the morality of the situation. Tsuki shakes his head, "Fuck it."

A bullet ricocheting across the doorway forces Tsuki to reel back from the door some, cocking the hammer to his revolver and pressing his back against the wall, peaking out the door some. A small glimpse of a person moving through a visible crack between where Tsuki is standing and the hallway outside is seen. Tsuki peaks the revolver he has out the door some and fires, quickly retreating further behind the wall he's leaning on to cock the hammer of his revolver again. Two more shots come from the hallway, ricocheting against the doorway and hitting a bed, the shuffling of clothes making it evident that they're getting closer.

Tsuki spins the revolver back into its holster, running out in the middle of the doorway to grab the previously dropped Winchester of one of the men who had entered earlier, Tsuki, after grabbing the Winchester, brings his back against the wall again, this time it is not possible for his assailant to be visible unless they were to come through the door. Tsuki lowers himself slowly as to not make a sound with his clothes, pressing his ear against the wall, listing for movements. The cracking of a boot is heard directly behind the wall. Tsuki quickly unloads the Winchester he has into the wall, unloading an empty round from a previous shot with the lever of the Winchester, firing once again after watching shells fly out from the chamber.

The sound of a body dropping onto the floor is heard, making Tsuki believe they were dead. Tsuki looks out the door to see a half-dead man, blood pouring from their lips grasping a hunting rifle.

Tsuki lowers himself, crouched, moving through the hallways of this worn - town hospital in a slow canter. Tsuki's head quickly whips over to look at the windows gleaming next to him, a man holding a rifle in hand pointing directly at him. Tsuki jumps back, firing at the man but missing, getting shot two times in the process, and as Tsuki made it further down the hallway, the man outside slamming his gun on the side of the window seal with a *clack*. Tsuki threw himself onto the ground, showing his back as to now get shot in the head, blood seeping on the shoulder and stomach parts of his coat. The man outside sighs, vaulting into the hallway. "Don't fucking move or you'll die."

Tsuki coughs, going limp while staring back at the man in front of him.

"Do you know where your pals are? They stole our boss."

"Haven't got a clue... been here the whole time," Tsuki attempts to slow his breathing, holding his bleeding stomach and shoulder desperately.

The man whips his head back to the window, multiple bullets whipping past and through his body before he falls dead on the floor. Nixon peeks his head through the window, jumping inside and grabbing Tsuki, "Right! We're leaving!" Nixon yells, jumping through the window once again, Seth standing directly outside of it.

"What happened?" Tsuki asks, struggling to say the words.

"Well, the entire town is filled with Bounty Hunters." Nixon and Seth nod to each other and make their way to the forest, keeping their heads behind trees and cover. "Seth," Nixon turns to him, "What will you do?"

"Separate - I'll take care of the others, you go and help the girls, we're a bit outnumbered her after all."

Nixon nods, quickly picking up the pace while Seth sprints in the opposite direction, keeping himself low to the ground. Tsuki groans, "What is he doing?"

"Doing what he does best, culling."