Man in White

"How many more bounty hunters do you believe have been contracted?" A man covered in darkness asks from the shadows, hands in their pockets, part of their form shown by a small snippet of light. In front of this man stands a young man wearing white, lighting a cigarette, blowing smoke from his mouth, hair slicked back - black.

"Discounting Hunter's group, thirty others."

"Those Mafia fucks really want that gold huh?"

"Retards, thinking that the bounty hunters wouldn't try and take it for themselves."

"What makes you think that'll happen?"

"Of course it'll happen."


"Hm?" He takes a long drag from his cigarette, "What's up?"

"How do you think they're transporting that gold? Wouldn't it be too heavy to be transported quietly?"

"Theory is that they thinned out the gold into little transparent sheets that are only visible through its gleam as the sun shines down upon it."

"Would they even be able to fit the amount of gold said to be stolen even if they were turned into thin sheets?"

"Apparently there were multiple porters that aren't known. Maybe the guy's transporting the gold lied about following that Jack - John, whatever his fucking name is's directions and went rogue. Maybe their contractor was ignorant enough to fall for it. Which would be the John - Jim fella."

"I think his name is Jordan?"

"Now that's a stretch." He blows smoke from his nose, laying on the ground below him still taking intermittent drags of his cigarette.


"What's up?"

"Change your outfit to black, I'll be the white today."



Somewhere in the town...

Two men wearing military uniforms scan the streets, some other groups of men going over to the injured and helping them, wrapping their wounds, cleaning them with water. The sound in the air was still with little vibration, just the crunching of snow under one's feet, the shifting of dirt, and the scratching wrap of bandages. The two men scanning the streets go on alert, someone approaching from afar, swaying as if they were a drunkard. "Stop!" One of them shouts, moving forward bit by bit while their partner stays behind. The drunkard's sways slow some, Seth, parts of his black hair covering his sapphire eyes which stare an empty glare into the men's own eyes. These men were not let known of who the enemy was, what they looked like, no - they didn't have enough time to do so.

A smile comes across Seth's face, red forming on his cheeks as if he actually drank something beforehand. "Who are you?" The dominant one of their small little two-man group asks Seth, gun pointing to him, finger pressed against the side of his gun as is customary as to not accidentally shoot someone innocent. "What's a drunk like you doing out in the middle of the woods?"

Seth pressed his lips together, part of his body going limp as he begins to make exaggerated movements while he speaks, "Why are you fucks in my fucking..." he slurs, pausing for a moment, "...fucking town...?"

"I'm sorry... we thought this town was abandoned. But - we really need you to return to safety si-" The guard puts his guard down, pointing his rifle to the ground as he is cut off by Seth.

"It has been fucking abandoned! Only one... left..." Seth slumps over into the man's chest, hair running wildly across the man's clothes. A swift stab to the man's through and he was dead, making sure that his stiletto dagger would touch the end of his spine by feeling the slight tip as if hitting a wall. Seth quickly steals the dead man's revolver and fires it into his friend behind him, making sure they didn't have time to react. His friend falls to the floor, curling into a ball, making sure as to not get hit in the head with a stray bullet. He takes a quick glance back at Seth, who has now stolen his dead friend's rifle, Seth, currently pointing at the man's head. People rush out to where the gunshots were, finding no one but the dead bodies left behind.

"What the hell!?" Some yell as they go to attend to the bodies while others search throughout the forest. Only the cracks of guns and rifles are heard though before Seth returns to his group, most of the threats dead or injured by now. Seth runs over to Nixon and nods and they make a break for it, almost all of them carrying a body in their arms one way or another, leaving Vincent behind to die within the previously abandoned forest town.


Some hours later, in a camp nearest to a more populated town than before, Seth and his friends lay in wait, as if waiting for something, some just watching the campfire that they made cackle in restraint. Seth sits himself up, smelling the fire that sits in front of him before looking back at the restrained Hunter who had been staring at Seth for a while now. Seth sighs, "You like what you see?" The remark sounds snarky and flirtatious but his expression showed sadness and regret.

Hunter catches Seth's sigh, making sure they had put her far away enough from the rest of the group as to not have her bite one of them. "Not exactly, wouldn't like the face of a captor would I?"

"Only if you were odd."

Hunter growls, "How many did you kill?"

"You attacked us first. All of them, including you, need to take responsibility for that."

"You're lucky I'm resisting the urge to avenge my comrades you bastard, or else your head would be on a pike by now."

"No, you can't kill me if I'm the winner in such a fight, since I am better at combat than you."

"Why, because you're a man?"

"No, just because I'm better. I'm better than everyone here at hand to hand combat and that is just a fact. Those girls," Seth points to Citlali and Hinata who are currently sleeping or half-awake. "Those two are better at shooting than you are, the reason for that, well, we've been fighting for most of our lives. In the world of combat, sexism doesn't belong, so don't assume that every man thinks the same way. It matters on who's better and who's worse."

Hunter's expression becomes sour, "Why'd you have to kill so many of my men?"

"Too many people to chase after us, the smaller the number, the more we can handle."

"You don't look like the professional type yet you speak like one... I don't understand you."

"Hey!" A man from the shadows yells, Seth doesn't go on guard though, only casually looking over in the direction of the shout. A man in white comes out from the dark forest behind him, a man in black following diligently behind. "Nice to meet you, I'm Marshall Bishop."