Seth gets up and shakes Marshall's hand before sitting back down, "Nice to meet you, Marshall," Seth pauses, pointing at the man in black behind him, "Who's that?"
"Preston Scott, that's his name." Preston nods, bowing slightly, out of politeness.
Seth nods, "What are you guys doing out here?"
"Looking for something." Marshall puts down a blanket and sits down on it, Preston remains standing.
"What are you two looking for?"
Marshall chuckles, "Well, you and your compatriots actually," Marshall quickly shows both of his hands before they could even do anything, "We aren't here to kill you - you don't have to worry about that."
"What are you here for then?"
Marshall scratches his chin, "We're here to see if we should bet on you or not."
Seth raises an eyebrow, "What?"
"We're apart of an organization that bets on if someone will either get caught within a major crime or not. It's called Dice24."
"So you gamble on who'll lose and who'll win in a situation like ours?"
"Yes, be it heists or people with bounty's on their heads and, me and Preston here have been big fans of you and your friend there," Marshall points at Seth then at Nixon. "We've bet on you a lot and we've always have made a huge payout from it and now, here we are - here to confirm that you'll be able to make it through this situation as well."
"I see, don't know how I feel about that."
"I wouldn't either if I was in the same situation."
"So why did you decide to come in person?"
Marshall smiles, "I thought it'd be fun." Marshall brushes strands of his light brown hair away from his face, chuckling all the while.
"Also, are we well known? Nixon and I? I would assume that if you were to bet on us as frequently as you've stated we'd have to be pretty well known."
"Well, you're assumption is correct. As well known as you were back in the Spanish-American War, especially since due to your track record you two have been more and more well renowned than ever before, even now when committing a crime."
Seth screws up his nose and presses his lips together, "We didn't really go after that many notable figures for such a track record to be... well - well renowned."
"I beg to differ, people like the Butcher of New York or even the Locksteady Preacher of Texas. Nobody else could do it, but you two were able to, I also know it better than everyone that those people had pretty hefty bounties on their heads as well."
Seth shakes his head, "I'm sure that other bounty hunters could do the same."
"Wait... I know you two..." Hunter raises her voice, looking to Seth, "You're the Black Fox and you, Nixon right?"
Nixon nods.
"The Black Fox and the Jackal... I can't believe my luck was that shit." Hunter clicks her tongue before attempting to roll herself over, failing to do so in the process.
"Not to mention you guys are none other than the men who had almost completely dismantled Hunter's Regime within a single day, only recently too." Marshall goes on to say, propping himself up with his left arm, leaning onto it. "One who looks from the outside cannot help but be impressed by you're feats. Especially for people who have only been in one minor war in their lives," Marshall clasps his hands together, pointing at Masahiko, "Not to mention that you have the Japanese death bringer himself in custody. Truly, you two have to be superhuman."
"What do you mean?"
"Don't think I don't know. Had someone of mine come over and spy on you two and well, you guys are none other than the same guys who managed to hold a man hostage in a situation where it should have never been possible. Surrounded by men, rifles at the read, and in a split-second decision purely off of a glance, something that can never be done by any other human in the world. You, Seth, you saw the moment he let his guard down, the millisecond it happened. I don't think you know this but that's not possible for any normal person to do. Not to mention," Marshall looks to Nixon, pointing, "You... you managed to clear out an entire room just by knowing the right time to fire with your revolver and the exact placement it should be, by the fucking millimeter. You shot one, made sure it was somewhere vital, then moved on, quickly pulling the hammer back and firing, whipping the barrel into multiple parts of the room. The speed is impeccable."
Marshall chuckles as he notices Seth's glare, Nixon remaining calm.
Marshall snaps his fingers and points at Seth once again, "That's why I love you - Right now you're asking yourself, 'How did I not notice someone following me?' Right?"
Seth furrows his brow, eyes opened showing off their sapphire glow.
"Seeing you in the flesh brings me joy," Marshall pauses, turning to Preston, "Give me a cig."
Preston nods, taking out a pack of cigarettes and handing him one before kneeling next to Marshall and lighting it with a gold plated lighter. After the cigarette lights up, Preston stands back up again, lighting himself one as well. Seth sighs, "Sorry, I'm not into dudes."
Marshall chuckles before taking a long drag of his cig, blowing a huge puff of smoke. "Me neither. I'm just a fan."
"Pretty fucking dedicated one at that huh?" Seth sneers.
Marshall chuckles, "You're bitter that you didn't notice my spy, am I right?"
"I'm annoyed that some random fucking guy wearing all white came in here talking about bullshit, sticking out like a sore fucking thumb. Not exactly the best fucking idea to be wearing white in the middle of the night, especially if you're going to be meeting people like us."
"Isn't the danger fun though?"
"Do you see this as a joke?"
"No, I see it as a challenge."