Something in the Water

New York, April 1912...

Seth, scars running across both of his cheeks, resting comfortably under closed eyes sits in a velvet chair, legs crossed over one another, a black dress suit covering his body. An older man with curly black hair, grey strands appearing here and there, a curled black mustache sitting above his lip. Hands in their pockets, they seat themselves behind a desk, sipping at a glass of whiskey. The older man sighs before placing the glass of whiskey down before him. "So, you're the one that had my gold?" The older man asks, eyebrow arched as he leans over his neatly carved desk.

Nixon walks into the room with a casual saunter, grabbing a chair in the back corner of the room and sitting it beside Seth, placing himself down into it. Seth nods, "Yes, I and my compatriot here, including a few others have procured your gold with me."

The older man nods, "I should introduce myself - My name is Falcone Russo, you are?"

"Seth, just Seth."

"Any reason why you won't tell me your full name?"


Falcone nods, "Reasonable..." Falcone sighs while gulping down another sip of whiskey, "Why have you come here with my gold?"

"To make a deal... I can't be running forever right?"

"Right... so... what is your deal?"

"If I give you the gold, I want 50% of the earnings you would get from it. That is all."

"What if I don't take this deal, because, to me, I find that you coming here and making offers is really fucking irritating so please give me a good reason."

"Well, I'll destroy your entire syndicate from the inside out. That is what will happen if you do not accept this deal."

Falcone shakes his head, "What if I think that what you just said was a fucking bluff? Why should I believe you could do that - also, don't forget, you are not in a situation where threats can be made. You are on my territory fuckwad!" Falcone slams his hand onto his desk, putting a dent into it.

"Will you take the deal, or will you not take the deal?"

"I will not take the deal."

Seth gets up from his chair while Nixon slowly slumps over in his own, lips pressed together. Nixon glances at Seth for a moment as he approaches Falcone's desk. Falcone does not move.

"What? We took all of your weapons from you so-" Falcone takes out a revolver from his waist and points it to Seth's head, "What'll you do?"

A small popping sound and light could be found around Seth's waist, wherein a small pistol is found to be in his hand, the bullet inside which has entered Falcone's throat and had almost hit his brainstem and before Falcone could even retaliate in his last moments, Seth pushes the barrel of Falcone's gun away from his own head. Falcone drops to the ground dead, not before firing his revolver into the wall sitting right beside them.

Nixon sighs, "You know they have a lot of guys right, just because that asshole is dead now doesn't me-" The wall behind the both of them crashes down before a large figure as Palach appears from within the wreckage, a pure white smile gleaming from within some of the dust and smoke caused by Palach's sudden entrance. "Holy shit, that guy's bigger than I am," Nixon mumbles under his breath, distancing himself from his chair.

"Lucky you Nix, nobody shot you."

"That was the whole point of lowering myself in the chair too..." Nixon purses his lips, "Fuck... now we have this guy."

Palach lets out a chuckle, "What are you talking about!? A small man and-" Palach squints, looking over at Seth, "Smaller man... smaller... woman?"

"No... I'm a guy." Seth affirms, taking Falcone's revolver from his cold dead hands.

"Too bad... but... I am not picky."

"What the fuck does that mean...?" Seth asks in sort of a mumbled tone, backing up into the desk behind him as an attempt to distance himself from Palach further.

"Oh... this guy is a fucking freak..." Nixon whispers to Seth.

"Very nice, face smooth like woman's." Shivers are sent down Seth's spine as he sprints for the door. Palach attempts to interrupt Seth but Nixon intervenes, socking Palach in the face whiles stealing a long knife from Palach's belt. Palach stumbles a bit, using a wall to keep him standing, licking his lips as he regains his composure. "Very nice hit," Palach looks to his belt, "Very nice steal," Palach lets out a hearty chuckle before taking out an axe that was sitting at the back of his belt. "I spent very long time trying to find you two. Two month, multiple stupid American states." Palach visibly feels the inside of his mouth with his tongue as he slowly glides it across the insides of his cheeks and slightly grazes across the tops of his molars.

Palach begins to swing wildly, laughing all the while as he hits various pieces of furniture as Nixon makes sure to keep his distance until finally making a full circle in Palach's pursuit within the room. Nixon's back now facing the door to the office. Nixon sprints out the door, Palach's eyes widening in intrigue. "FUN, FUN! RUN SMALL MAN!" Palach yells as he bounds his way behind Nixon as he makes his way through various halls filled with corpses.

'Seth's doing..." Nixon thinks to himself as he glancing at some of the many corpses littering the ground. More gunshots are heard throughout the building as Nixon and Palach's game of cat and mouse continues. After a few seconds of running, Nixon notices that Palach isn't behind him anymore. "That doesn't-" Nixon cuts himself off mid-sentence and continues running as the sound of walls collapsing in the rooms beside him could be heard until Palach cuts of Nixon's path, slamming through a wall in front of Nixon.

Palach stops moving at the broken wall before him, leaning onto another wall beside him with a puzzled expression. "Do you have women in group?"

"What? Why do you want to know?"

"I am horny and man not enough."

"Wait..." The shock comes across Nixon's face as he realizes what Palach meant by what he had said.